Thread: Win32 ODBC 6.5 driver and PostgreSQL 7.0 Foreign Key s

Win32 ODBC 6.5 driver and PostgreSQL 7.0 Foreign Key s

"Panon, Paul-Andre"

I am trying to use the win32 ODBC driver to allow ErWin to connect to a
PostgresSQL 7.0 for database creation/synchronization. The PostgreSQL driver
seems to be choking on the first SQLGetInfo call from Erwin. Here follows
the result from connection logging:

CONN ERROR: func=SQLGetInfo, desc='', errnum=209, errmsg='Unrecognized key
passed to SQLGetInfo.'           ------------------------------------------------------------           henv=46139368,
conn=46333984,status=1, num_stmts=16           sock=46139384, stmts=46139424, lobj_type=-999           ----------------
SocketInfo -------------------------------           socket=228, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(NULL)'
buffer_in=46209888,buffer_out=46205784           buffer_filled_in=33, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=32
conn=46333984, SQLDisconnect

Unfortunately, the key (fInfoType) is not being logged so I'm not sure what
Erwin is asking. After Erwin gets this error message, it gives up on the
driver and uses it at the simplest level it can with no support for foreign
or primary keys. My next step seems to be to modify the code to log the
fInfoType and try to fix the problem.  Before I go that far however, has the
win32 ODBC driver (6.50) been updated to correctly understand and report
PostgreSQL 7.0 Foreign Key contraints generated during either a CREATE TABLE
or an ALTER TABLE...ADD CONSTRAINT statement? If it hasn't, it's probably
not worth my time to track down the first problem.

Thank you,

Paul-Andre Panon