Thread: ODBC and VB5 Progress... But still not there

ODBC and VB5 Progress... But still not there

"Eric Damron"
Thanks to all that told me about needing unique indexes in order to access
an ODBC database.  One of my tables has a three part composite primary key.
I'm assuming that all primary keys have by default unique indexes.  I found
that I didn't have the "recognize Unique Indexes" box checked in my ODBC

To make things simple I created one (1) table with two columns in my
PostgreSQL database:

raceid serial  PRIMARY KEY,Description char(30) NOT NULL

Then I wrote a little code to try to update the table using VB5:

Option Explicit
Dim rsWarHammer As Recordset
Dim dbWarHammer As Database

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()   rsWarHammer.AddNew   MsgBox (rsWarHammer.Updatable)   rsWarHammer!Description =
txtDescription.Text  rsWarHammer.Update
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()   Dim strConnect As String, strSQL As String   strSQL = "SELECT RaceID, Description FROM race"
strConnect = "ODBC;uid=eric;pwd=grnthing;database = warhammer"   Set dbWarHammer = OpenDatabase("", , False,
strConnect)  Set rsWarHammer = dbWarHammer.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
End Sub

The message box now tells me that the record set is updateable!  This is
good news.  It use to return a false.
I still get an error however:  "Run-time error '3155':  ODBC --insert on
linked table '???' failed.

What's the missing piece here?

Thanks again!