Thread: ODBC oin Windows

ODBC oin Windows

Didier Gasser-Morlay
I have downloaded and happilly installed the odbc driver for Windows

I am using Delphi 4 SP3 on Windows NT 4 SP3 and I have the following

1. Money type is seen has a float. Delphi complains when trying to post
a float into a money
2. Int8 is seen as a 17 byte string
3. float4 is seens as using 8 bytes (as float8)

4. Since the money type is not recommended, I was planning to store
money amount in int8 forcing the number of decimals to a known number.
Since delphi sees int8 as a string this makes life a bit tricky,
especially doing calculations. How do you store large money amounts (4
bytes when you store e.g. italian Lira or Spanish Pesetas is a bit

Any ideas ?


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