Thread: [INTERFACES] in pgconnection.h (?)

[INTERFACES] in pgconnection.h (?)

I'm putting together my first C++ pgsql client program and have run into
a snag.  I #include <pgdatabase.h>, but when I compile, I get a message
  /usr/include/pgsql/libpq++/pgconnection.h:24: string: No such file or

Looking in pgconnection.h, I see
  #include <string>

(Call me old-fashioned, but I thought us C hacks had agreed to use ".h"
when naming our include files.)  Later on in the file I see the
  string IntToString(int);

Now, I assume that "string" is a class.  But where would I find the
header file "string"?

Thanks in advance for clarifying what is clearly !obvious to me.

Richard Blackwell

Re: [INTERFACES] in pgconnection.h (?)

Mike Mascari
Richard wrote:

> I'm putting together my first C++ pgsql client program and have run into
> a snag.  I #include <pgdatabase.h>, but when I compile, I get a message
> saying
>    /usr/include/pgsql/libpq++/pgconnection.h:24: string: No such file or
> directory
> Looking in pgconnection.h, I see
>    #include <string>
> (Call me old-fashioned, but I thought us C hacks had agreed to use ".h"
> when naming our include files.)  Later on in the file I see the
> declaration
>    string IntToString(int);
> Now, I assume that "string" is a class.  But where would I find the
> header file "string"?
> Thanks in advance for clarifying what is clearly !obvious to me.
> Cheers,
> Richard Blackwell

The string class should have come with the standard C++ libraries installed
with your C++ compiler. For instance, on my RedHat 5.2 machine, I have:

$ cat /usr/include/g++/string

// Main header for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.

#ifndef __STRING__
#define __STRING__

#include <std/bastring.h>

extern "C++" {
typedef basic_string <char> string;
// typedef basic_string <wchar_t> wstring;
} // extern "C++"
