Thread: RE: [INTERFACES] Case insensitive LIKE ?

RE: [INTERFACES] Case insensitive LIKE ?

"Ansley, Michael"
Hi, Constantin,

I'll be very surprised if you can get the whole lot to work without using
IFs.  Access is markedly non-SQL compliant.  It pushes the term 'extended
sub-set' to the limit, both the 'extended', and the 'sub' bits.  I work with
Access and Oracle at work, and everything has to either be done for Access,
or Oracle.  Not to appear negative or anything...

I have just tried Access now, and it doesn even know what % is.  It seems to
hand the like clause to the underlying engine for evaluation, when I tried
it with an Oracle linked table, it was quite happy, case-sensitive and all.
With a native Access table, it wasn't interested in the slightest.
So, that might point to a difference in the ODBC drivers' implementation and
handling of regexes.


-----Original Message-----
From: Constantin Teodorescu
To: Hannu Krosing
Cc: PostgreSQL Interfaces
Sent: 99/10/31 02:30
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Case insensitive LIKE ?

Hannu Krosing wrote:
> Constantin Teodorescu wrote:
> >
> > Is there for PostgreSQL a modifier(parameter) that will make the
> > clause case insensitive ?
> Maybe
>  select * from t where lower(name) like 'john%';

Yes, it may work, but probably lower(name) won't work on ODBC->MS Access
I would like to preserve also the SQL commands betwen versions and not
to fill my program with IF's ..

Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA
