Thread: Postgres ODBC and PostgreSQL 6.5.2

Postgres ODBC and PostgreSQL 6.5.2

Cristiano Verondini
I have installed PostgreSQL 6.5.2 on my Linux box, and ODBC drivers for
Windows from
All seemed to work fine, that is I can connect tables using MsAccess,
and browse throught data.
But when I examined closer, I found some data is missing. This i s the
data structure I use:

CREATE TABLE WWork ( IDWork int4, titolo CHAR(1000), autori CHAR(1000), affiliazione CHAR(1000), sommario
varchar(1024),IDpertinenza int4, autoreRiferimento CHAR(100), emailRiferimento CHAR(100), file1 CHAR(50), file2
CHAR(50),file3 CHAR(50), file4 CHAR(50), file5 CHAR(50), demo INT4
) \g
Some of the data are missing (but I can see them using pgaccess on
linux), as titolo, autori, ... and some is truncated, such as sommario.
In the advanced options I saw 6.4 compatibility (not 6.5). May this be
a problem?
Any other idea?
Thanks in advance