Thread: OBDC <--> iHTML config problem?

OBDC <--> iHTML config problem?

"Jay W. Summet"
I am working on installing a program (called iHTML from which
is sort of like PHP and will be used for an online store.

It requires a database to store it's information, and they say that it
supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and a few others. They appear to use it with
MySQL the most, and they have no real documenation on how to configure it
with PostgreSQL, and the tech support guy I've been e-mailing back and
forth with has not been able to help me get it working yet.

So far, I have placed an odbc.ini file in my /etc/ directory which is read
by the iHTML DSO module (which installs in an apache-SSL [stronghold] web
server).  I know that the iHTML module is reading this config file,
because after I put it there, I got a different error message.
(It used to say that the ODBC library module was not found, now it gives a
diffrent error, which I *think* is actually comming from the file as opposed to the ihtml part.)

My old Error message always had an "[iODBC]" string in it, which I assume
indicates it was comming from the iHTML odbc interface code.  After I got
the odbc.ini file somewhat correct, the new error message is:

ERROR:       Missing server name, port, or database name
in call to CC_connect. 

The iHTML program is trying to connect to a database called itest which I
have created.

Here is the entry in my odbc.ini file:

Driver =/usr/local/pgsql/lib/
DSN    =itest
host   =
port   =5432

The tech from inline has suggested that I replace the "DSN=itest" with a
"database=itest" line, and I've tried this, as well as using both strings,
but the error message does not change.  

The PostgreSQL database is working correctly, as we are running our whole
billing system off of it. The iHTML is running on the same computer as the
postmaster and the billing system (billing system uses libpq for
interface).  I assume that the permissions are set up correctly as libpq
works from the local computer.

Has anybody ever set up iHTML with postgresql? Does anybody see something
that I'm missing in the odbc.ini entry? Any other suggestions?

Jay Summet