Two things:
1> You might want to upgrade your post odbc driver.
2> Check your pg_hba.conf file, usually found in /usr/local/pgsql/data.
Make sure you have an entry for your NT machine. It sounds like an entry is
there but that its set to ident instewad of password. Use pg_passwd to make
a password entry for the user you are coming in as.
Hope this helps,
>I'm trying to connect from a NT via psqlODBC (6.40.0005) to a
>Linux-machine with PostgreSQL 6.5.1 up and running. The connection is
>refused and in the logfile on the Linux-machine is the following message:
>Unable to connect to Ident server on the host which is trying to connect
>to Postgres (IP address, Port 113). errno = Connection
>refused (111)
>In the PostgreSQL-homedir there is also a file odbcinst.ini. Because I
>didn't install PostgreSQL myself, I don't know why it's there and if this
>can cause the trouble.
> NEROC Publishing Solutions
> Jelle Ruttenberg
>De Run 1131, 5503 LB Veldhoven Phone : +31-(0)40-2586641
>P.O.Box 133, 5500 AC Veldhoven Fax : +31-(0)40-2541893
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