Thread: Re: [INTERFACES] NEW ODBC DRIVER v06-40-0007


"Ken J. Wright"
>1.  Fix all info functions to check whether the table is a view.
>2.  Fix for Access 2000 (unconfirmed)
>3.  Change most statement errors to General Error S1000 instead of 08S01
>    (communication link failure).


Number 3 is still causing trouble.

from statement.h
#define STMT_BAD_ERROR 27

from environ.c
case STMT_BAD_ERROR:  strcpy(szSqlState, "08S01");  // communication link failure

This is the SQLSTATE the driver is returning when there is a failure from
attempting to duplicate a unique index. It appears to be coming from
SC_execute() in statement.c. The following code is executed if there is not
a result set returned (like from a select). It looks like there needs to be
more checking for other types of non-result set type failures. Create is
the only action looked at here, otherwise it's lumped in with the comm link
failures (STMT_BAD_ERROR).

} else {        /* Bad Error -- The error message will be in the Connection */
if (self->statement_type == STMT_TYPE_CREATE) {    self->errornumber = STMT_CREATE_TABLE_ERROR;    self->errormsg =
"Errorcreating the table";    /*    This would allow the table to already exists, thus appending        rows to it.
BUT,if the table didn't have the same attributes,        it would fail.        return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO;    */}else
{   self->errornumber = STMT_BAD_ERROR;    self->errormsg = "Error while executing the query";}
