Thread: Survey
Please read the Inprise Linux Developers survey. The most interesting thing that I picked out was the db platform question: Which local database or database server do you plan to use with your Linux application development? PG came 4th with 22.0%. This is quite a good indication of where things are going. Note that first was Oracle, second mySQL, and third Interbase. This means that 5300 people who answered the survey plan to use PG. That's a lot of people. For the interfaces list: this is perhaps an opportunity to get Inprise to help in building BDE components. MikeA
Hi All I'm having problems getting MS' ADO control to connect to my Postgres server via ODBC. Can anyone help here? The problem is that if crashes VB when I attempt the connection. I'm using VB6 learning edition. I get the same problem when I try to connect with VB5's RDO object. I might be switching from VB5 to VB6 _IF_ I can test the connection. Regards Jason Doller