Thread: RE: [INTERFACES] Oops. Forgot log and source....

RE: [INTERFACES] Oops. Forgot log and source....

"Ansley, Michael"
Check your recordset to make sure that it's not read only, before you try to
insert.  If your query joins across tables, sometimes DAO/RDO/ADO gets
upset.  Also, if you don't select all the key columns, and also if your open
options are not correct.  The thing is, I'm not sure that this is an
updatable query.  It may not be, in which case, you can't open an updatable
cursor on it.


Try this...

>>          Set OutRS = RemoteDB.OpenRecordset(Stmt$, dbOpenDynaset, 0,
>>          Cnt = 0
insert>>    Okay = Okay And (OutRS.ReadOnly)
>>          If Okay Then
>>             Do Until InRS.EOF