Thread: I'm getting crazy...HELP ME!

I'm getting crazy...HELP ME!

"Robson Martins"
Hello all!
I have a .java that i think it is right but it doesnt work, the problem is that it cant connect to the database, the button connect is to connect to the database, the button list is to list the value from field name from table people from database on a textarea, the button Robson - Test, is a button that i created only to test.
To make this .java work you will need a database with a table people with a field name with any values.
I didnt make it works, if anybody have success please help me, and if anybody have any .java like this that do the thing i wanna do, please send me (without use swing).
Well i think this is all....
HELP ME......
Hugs..Robson ( )