Thread: date not initialized

date not initialized

I have a table like this :  table  boocks (name varchar , return_date date)

The field return_date is not initialized :
insert into books values (name1);
insert into books values (namex);

The field return_date is updated when the books is returned like this :

update books set return_date='10-06-1999' where name=xxx;

How can i select all the item where the return_date is not updated ?

a request like this :

select * from books where return_date=''  ????

(actually i initialised the return_date with the values '01-01-0001')

thank you.

Roland Dubouloz            BULL XS/BU
BULL SA      
1,Rue de Provence        Phone :+33 (0)4 76 29 77 87
BP 208                Bullcom : 229-7787
38432 Echirolles CEDEX        Office  : A1-052
France                Fax     : +33 (0)4 76 29 70 02