Thread: odbc driver failing. . .

odbc driver failing. . .

JT Kirkpatrick
hi all.  i have written in about illegal page faults when i try to add 
records to a particular table -- editing it seems fine.  well, i have 
narrowed down another "weird" problem with the same table.  i reported that 
when i open it directly in datasheet view, the odbc driver fails every 
time.  this is not my largest table at all -- this one is 14M and over 45k 
records -- my largest is 23M and over 90k records.  i can open every other 
table up in datasheet view (msaccess97 by the way) except the 14M one. here is the log file after i opened a few other
tablesand then finally 
the one that bombs -- does anyone have any ideas about what is going 
wrong??  a few suspects -- the table has a field defined as varchar(300) 
and another varchar(550) -- i have the odbc driver set to cache 1000 (at 
least in this log file -- it was 100 and still bombed!), maxvarchar=550, 
maxlongvarchar=15000.  but editing the table a record at a time -- or even 
pulling up a subset of records from the table works fine. . .

thanks for any suggestions!  jt

Re: [INTERFACES] odbc driver failing. . .

"Geoffrey C. Speicher"
> hi all.  i have written in about illegal page faults when i try to add 

I, too, witnessed some strange crashes in the ODBC driver.  Checking the
"Recognize Unique Indexes" option in the advanced driver settings cleared
them up for me.  May be worth a shot.
