Thread: lo_read error ???

lo_read error ???

Hi to all,

I'm trying to use large objects this way:

$ENV{'PGDATESTYLE'} = "European";
use CGI;
use Pg;
$base = new CGI;
$fax = $base->url_param('fax');
$page = $base->url_param('page');
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=www host=localhost");
$select = $conn->exec("SELECT faxpage FROM faxric where codfax='$fax'");

$faxpage = $select->fetchrow();
$faxpage_fd = $conn->lo_open($faxpage, PGRES_INV_READ);
if ($faxpage_fd < 0) {print $base->header('text/plain'),"Errore aprendo file su db";exit;
print $base->header(-type=>'image/gif');
while(($ret = $conn->lo_read($faxpage_fd, $buf, 1024)) >0 ) {print "$buf";
$ret = $conn->lo_close($faxpage_fd);


and I get only an icon, but not the image
so I modified the script ...

$ENV{'PGDATESTYLE'} = "European";
use CGI;
use Pg;
$base = new CGI;
$fax = $base->url_param('fax');
$page = $base->url_param('page');
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=www host=localhost");
$select = $conn->exec("SELECT faxpage FROM faxric where codfax='$fax'");

$faxpage = $select->fetchrow();
$faxpage_fd = $conn->lo_open($faxpage, PGRES_INV_READ);
if ($faxpage_fd < 0) {print $base->header('text/plain'),"Errore aprendo file su db";exit;
print $base->header(-type=>'text/plain');
while(($ret = $conn->lo_read($faxpage_fd, $buf, 1024)) >0 ) {$test = length $buf;print "$ret -- $test\n";
$ret = $conn->lo_close($faxpage_fd);

and I get this output:

1024 -- 11
1024 -- 179
1024 -- 172
1024 -- 187
1024 -- 120
1024 -- 232
1024 -- 182
1024 -- 98
1024 -- 15
1024 -- 129
1024 -- 241
1024 -- 315
1024 -- 221
1024 -- 1002
1024 -- 13
190 -- 110

why $buf do not contain all characters that lo_read() return ???

system is Linux RedHat 6.0, whit Postgres 6.4.2
(I've also tryed to compile it myself, but nothing change)

large objects are gif images

Many tanks in advance to all.
Andrea Partinico