Thread: msaccess97 odbc insert problems

msaccess97 odbc insert problems

JT Kirkpatrick
Hey all, thanks for helping me understand that my tables need to have a 
unique index in order to be able to insert records in msaccess97 through 
the odbc driver.  I corrected that problem in the table.  Now, from within 
access97, if I make my form link directly to the table, I can add records 
no problem.  But I need to link my form to the results of a query that 
contains a field from another table (linked to the main one).  When I do 
that, I cannot insert new records.  Also, if I remove the second table so 
the query only has the main table (which I can insert records into 
directly), it won't let me insert records.  This is a little frustrating - 
I have another table set up the same way (with only the main table in a 
query) and the query WILL let me insert records into it.

I don't find anything on this in the odbc driver faq.  Does anyone have any 
idea what could be going on?

Hopefully one day I'll be able to contribute to this list rather than take 
take take!  I surely appreciate all the responses to my previous problems! So far I have been able to solve all of them
(upto this one) with your 

