Thread: I can not import text file... Errno = Permission denied (13)

I can not import text file... Errno = Permission denied (13)

Michael Irschick
I have not been able to insert a text file into my postgres table.

Here is the file.
-rw-rw-r--   1 mirschic mirschic       14 Mar 24 21:26 test.txt


oprs=> copy entmap from '/home/mirschick/test.txt' using delimiters ',';

ERROR:  COPY command, running in backend with effective uid 100, could
not open file '/home/mirschick/test.txt' for reading.  Errno =
Permission denied (13).


So what is going on?  I tried diff text files, and diff tables I always
get the same error.  (Errno = Permission denied)

my username is mirschick
I created the text file as mirschick
I created the table, and database as mirschick.


Thanks for any help..  I am a newbie....