Thread: [ANN] pg.el -- Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL

[ANN] pg.el -- Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL

Eric Marsden
pg.el is a socket-level interface to PostgreSQL for GNU Emacs (text
editor extraordinaire). The module is capable of type coercions from a
range of SQL types to the equivalent Emacs Lisp type. It currently
supports neither crypt or Kerberos authentication, nor large objects,
nor the v6.4 protocol.

The code (version 0.1) is available under GPL from


Please note that this is a programmer's API, and doesn't provide any
form of user interface. Example:

 (defun demo ()
    (let* ((conn (pg:connect "template1" "postgres" "postgres"))
           (res (pg:exec conn "SELECT * from scshdemo WHERE a = 42")))
      (message "status is %s"   (pg:result res 'status))
      (message "metadata is %s" (pg:result res 'attributes))
      (message "data is %s"     (pg:result res 'tuples))
      (pg:disconnect conn)))

Eric Marsden
emarsden @
It's elephants all the way down