Thread: libpq and SPI

libpq and SPI

"Gerald L. Gay"

    I sent an email a few days ago and I haven't seen any response yet.
Basically, the problem is, if you do any "utility" queries inside of a SPI
function, libpq will lock up.  You can see this by installing the execq()
example from the Programmer's Guide and doing the following from psql:

template1=>  select execq('create user fred', 1);
Backend sent D message without prior T

    And you will not get a prompt back.  I was looking for thoughts on this.
Is it not reasonable to allow utility calls inside SPI?  Should the backend
be sending data through libpq differently?  Or should the client-side libpq
be handling this better?  I patched the client-side libpq since I didn't
want to go messing with the backend.

    Should this discussion be on a different mailing list?

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
