Thread: pgAdmin 6.4.3 Released

pgAdmin 6.4.3 Released

Dave Page
I have just released pgAdmin 6.4.3 for PostgreSQL 6.4.x. It is available at:

This is a major new version (though not reflected in the version number!)
which includes a number of new features. Some of these features are not 100%
stable or reliable yet so any feedback would be most useful.

New features/enhancements include:

1) Added a PRIMARY KEY option to the table creation dialog.

2) Changed the grid control to individual text boxes for the object details
on all object browser dialogues.

3) Added more sane default sizing to various dialogues.

4) Added browsers and creation dialogues for Languages,  Functions and
Triggers (thanks to Vadim Mikheev for pointing me in the right direction
with the Triggers).

5) Added comment/notation facilities to most objects via the relevant
browser dialogue (thanks to David Hartwig for that idea).

6) Improved the error handling in the Tables Browser.

7) Improved the efficiency of the object detail retrieval code in most of
the browser dialogues.

8) Added 'Number of Triggers' field to Table Details.

9) Added a 'Logging' option to the File menu, that when selected, logs all
SQL queries, form load events etc. to pgAdmin.log which now replaces the old
pgErr.log file.

10)Settings for View ButtonBar and Open Maximised are now store in the
registry on a per user basis.



Dave Page, Network & Systems Manager, The Vale Housing Association Ltd. (Work) (Home of pgAdmin)
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