Thread: JBuilder2 and colons/typecasting

JBuilder2 and colons/typecasting


I was just curious if anyone out there has run into the JBuilder2 problem
that trips up on query strings that contain colons or double colons for

Has anyone found an easy workaround?  It is supposed to be fixed in the
next patch or rev after 2.01.

And a separate curiosity of mine:  Why does a query plan sometimes change
when you explicitly typecast a match attribute to it's actual type?

WHERE lastupdated::date='2-1-1999' AND ...
WHERE lastupdated='2-1-1998' AND ...

lastupdated was a 'date' type, and I got a faster executing plan (using
Hash joins) with the explicit type cast, but I think the slower plan had a
lower cost.

----------------- Brian  Curnow ----------------