Thread: Re: [NOVICE] ODBC-Setup


From (Byron Nikolaidis)
> Hi,
> I believe this belongs to the novice section:

Actually, this is a good one for "interfaces".

> I got postgres6.4.2, it compiled and works fine, as long as I stay on th
> localhost. My server's name is Capella on and I don`t get
> connected.
> - I can see networktraffic from my station to capella using tcpdump on
> capella when accessing samba-drives.
> -I can see NO networktraffic from my station to capella using tcpdump on
> capella when trying to connect to a database.
> -Postgres was configured --with-odbc
> -Yes, I do use the -i option with postmaster.
> This is what m$access says, when I try to connect
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Verbindung fehlgeschlagen (connection failed)
> SQLStat 01000
> SQL Server Error: -1
> [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][dbnmp3]ConnectionOpen (sopen())
> Verbindung fehlgeschlagen (connection failed)
> SQLStat 08001
> SQL Server Error: 0
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][dbnmp3] part of correct driver?
> Here is no hint, that I'm using the postgres driver
> This is a logfile (from postgresdriver?):
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> DSN info:
> DSN='PostgreSQL',server='',port='5432',dbase='kk1',user='www',passwd='secret'
> readonly='0',protocol='6.4',showoid='0',fakeoidindex='0',showsystable='0'
>           conn_settings=''
>           translation_dll='',translation_option=''
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Can you try again and this time try to get a better "psqlodbc.log" file.  It is created during an odbc session.  You
shouldbe able to see the connect attempt and error message.  The clip above is either a different session or just a
portionof it. 

> user www had had a 'GRANT all on bar to www' and a 'create user www with
> password secret'
> and he can connect to the database when typing on the console of
> capella.
> Is there any idea outside what is wrong here, or where I can read about
> setting up ODBC for
> Windows95/98?

There is a good bit of information on the various settings at our web site (
Shouldbe an area there called configuration settings, as well as a FAQ. 
