Thread: psqlodbc for Win3.11 with win32s

psqlodbc for Win3.11 with win32s

The Hermit Hacker

I was searching and reading quite a good while in the archive of this
list before I subscribe to the list and post my question.
I found some serious discussions concerning the issue "16bit psqlodbc"
and I also read some postings making my hopeful.

Is it possilble to run the psqlodbc-driver on a Win3.11 for workgroups
system with the installed win32s-extension? I tried it with the up to
date driver-package (postdrv.exe downloaded from INSIGHT) and run into a

Unfortunately it is not option to update the system to win95 because
there is a non-profit-organization and the people there are happy to
have computers for every employee at all and they are not willing to
spend money on bigger computers.

Someone wrote about a later version of the driver with the capability to
work on a 16bit-system. Where can I get this later version? But, when
win32s is installed, shouldn't the driver see a 32bit-system?

Thank you,
Wolfgang Hottgenroth