Thread: LockRelease error

LockRelease error

"Gregory W Burnham"
libpq interface
Postgres 6.3.2
RedHat Linux 5.1

When trying to execute an update query using the PQexec(...)
function, I'm getting the following (using PQtrace(...) and

To backend> QBEGIN
From backend> N
From backend> "OTICE: LockRelease: locktable lookup failed, no lock "
From backend> V
query failed BEGIN
unknown protocol character 'V' read from
backend. (The protocol character is the first
character the backend sends in response to a query it receives).

What does 'locktable lookup failed' mean, and how can I fix this?

Gregory W Burnham
Excite Labs
Faculty Of Education
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, B.C.
(604) 291 3615 ph
(604) 291 5679 fx