Thread: ODBC Error with VB5.0

ODBC Error with VB5.0

"David Weiss"
Hello, I am getting an "ODBC Error 3146 Driver does not support this function" when using the following code in vb5.0
It doesnt seem to like the Set RecSet = db.OpenRecordset(sqlString, dbOpenDynaset)
Public Sub Main()
   Set ws = CreateWorkspace("ODBCWorkspace", "", "", dbUseODBC)
   Workspaces.Append ws
   Set db = ws.OpenDatabase("PostgreSQL", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, _
End Sub
Public Sub SavvyInit(db As Database)
    sqlString = "select * " & _
                     "from adds " & _
                     "where storeid='106' and pricedesc='2.49';"
    Set RecSet = db.OpenRecordset(sqlString, dbOpenDynaset)
    frmAdDesign.txtDescription = RecSet!storeid.Value
End Sub
Any suggestions? :)
David Weiss
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