Thread: [JDBC Problem] unable to get primary keys through DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys()
[JDBC Problem] unable to get primary keys through DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys()
Charles-Edouard Ruault
Hi all, i just compiled & installed postgresql 6.4 and im trying to use the JDBC driver ( the version provided with postgres source code ). I've created a few tables, each has a primary key. I'm trying to get the primary keys through the jdbc interface, using DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys() but it always returns an empty ResultSet. I've looked at the source of the driver and it issues a cryptic ( to me ! ) sql request to retrieve the keys. I've tried to issue the same request with pqsl and i also get an empty result. Is the request incorrect ? For example, here's the creation table script : drop table ADDR; drop sequence addr_id_seq; CREATE TABLE ADDR ( ID SEQUENCE PRIMARY KEY, OWNER int NOT NULL , NAME char (96) NOT NULL , EMAIL char (128) NOT NULL , NOTIF int NOT NULL ); and here's the sql request used by the driver : SELECT '' as TABLE_CAT, '' AS TABLE_SCHEM, bc.relname AS TABLE_NAME, ic.relname AS COLUMN_NAME, '1' as KEY_SEQ, t.typname as PK_NAME FROM pg_class bc, pg_class ic, pg_index i, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE bc.relkind = 'r' and bc.relname ~ 'ADDR' and i.indrelid = bc.oid and i.indexrelid = ic.oid and i.indkey[0] = a.attnum and i.indproc = '0'::oid and a.attrelid = bc.oid ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME; Thanks for your suggestions/help.