Thread: pgAdmin v6.4.0 Released

pgAdmin v6.4.0 Released

"Dave Page"
I have just released pgAdmin v6.4.0 at:

This version has been written for PostgreSQL v6.4 and probably won't work
correctly with 6.3.2.

Bug fixes etc. include:

1) Fixed a bug in the setup program which failed to install DAO350.dll if
the DAO path on a machine was a UNC path.

2)Modified the global error logging to display the error number and message
in the message box. Previously it only stated that an error had occured and
it had logged it the error log.

3) Recompiled all components under VB6.0 to remove any requirement for

4) Updated to use PostgreSQL v6.4 system table structure.

5)Removed the Modify User options as this functionality no longer seems
possible under v6.4 of PostgreSQL due to the permissions on the pg_shadow
table (suggestions anyone???).



Dave Page, Network & Systems Manager, The Vale Housing Association Ltd. (Work)
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