Thread: Backend/PostODBC hanging and ADO2.0

Backend/PostODBC hanging and ADO2.0

"Dave Page"

I have two problems which I just can't figure out and any help/ideas would
be greatly appreciated!

Problem 1.

As some of you know, I'm the author of pgAdmin (the PostgreSQL frontend for
windoze). pgAdmin is written in VB5/6 and uses DAO3.5 and PostODBC 6.3.0249.
I and a number of pgAdmin users have found that some queries (rarely the
same ones, and they could be a simple DROP TABLE or a complex SELECT) will
hang pgAdmin and sometimes the PostgreSQL backend as well. On closer
inspection of the PostODBC commlog I have found that invariably the query is
sent to the backend but no reply is received which I believe indicates a
problem with either PostODBC or the PostgreSQL backend (I think this is more
likely because it sometimes hangs as well).

I have check the SQL syntax etc. and found nothing odd or incorrect.

Problem 2.

This is more of a VB type question... I am in the process of moving to
Visual Studio 6 in which M$ seem to prefer the use of ADO2.0 over DAO3.5. I
have done a few tests and found that it seems to be a lot quicker and have
since written my own data control which works a treat with mdb files. With
PostgreSQL though, queries run nice and quickly, and I can build and
manipulate a recordset. However, when I try to edit a record, usually, the
first attempt of the day works fine, but subsequent attempts to edit records
fail at the recordset.update with the error:

Run-time Error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
Insufficient base table information for updating or refreshing

PostODBC's commlog shows no attempt to update the record. Could this be that
PostODBC is not supplying some info required by ADO? If so, I find it
strange that it will sometimes (rarely) work OK.

TIA for any help, and sorry for the loooonnnng post!

Dave Page, Network & Systems Manager, The Vale Housing Association Ltd.
Beer can be a permanent solution - but only if you have enough of it!