Thread: Broken Pipe Repaired

Broken Pipe Repaired

"Frank Morton"
Thanks to all who responded to my JDBC "Broken Pipe"
problem. It turned out to be caused by a combination of
two things.

1. I was just on the edge of my available swap space and
at times under load I ran out. Bad things began to happen,
leading to IOExceptions and "Broken Pipes." My application
is an image management one and it used imagemagik
to convert images...100mb of swap space can disappear
nearly instantly.

2. I learned from Jason Venner something that I did not think
would matter as I thought garbage collection would take care
of it. Jason found that he had continuous problems until
he specifically did a close() on any open statements. In my
case, it seems to have helped considerably to specifically
close() any completed result sets after I am through. Like
I said, I thought gc would take care of it, but it doesn't.

Thanks all.

Frank Morton (
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