Thread: configuration error or bug report

configuration error or bug report

"Giuliano A. Tarallo"
The error documented in the next log appear when I try
to use pg as a ODBC Generic SQL Server with a commercial
application written with Microsoft C++


DSN info:

conn = 33357944, SQLConnect(DSN='PostgreSQL', UID='udrl', PWD='qwerty')
Global Options: fetch=100, socket=4096, unknown_sizes=2,
max_varchar_size=254, max_longvarchar_size=4094
                disable_optimizer=1, unique_index=1, use_declarefetch=0
                text_as_longvarchar=0, unknowns_as_longvarchar=0,
                extra_systable_prefixes='dd_;', conn_settings=''
conn=33357944, query=' '
conn=33357944, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
conn=33357944, query='set geqo to 'OFF''
conn=33357944, query='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo''
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select relname, usename, relhasrules from
pg_class, pg_user where relkind = 'r'  and relname !~ '^pg_|^dd_' and
relname !~ '^xinv[0-9]+' and int4out(usesysid) = int4out(relowner) order
by relname'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE TABLE MovAgeR (IDMovAge int4,Riga
int2,Agente char(8),ImpBase float8,ImpProvv float8,DtaPrevMat
datetime,DtaEffMat datetime,Sospesa char(1),GiaAutoFtt char(1),GiaFttAge
char(1),Storna char(1),Nota char(64))'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname,
a.atttypid,t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where
int4out(u.usesysid) = int4out(c.relowner) and c.oid= a.attrelid and
a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0) and c.relname like 'MovAgeR' order
by attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select distinct on attnum a2.attname, a2.attnum
from pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2, pg_class c, pg_index i where
c.relname = 'MovAgeR_pkey' AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND a1.attrelid =
c.oid AND a2.attrelid = c.oid AND (i.indkey[0] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[1] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[3] =
a1.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[6] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a1.attnum) order by a2.attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='Null
statement result in SQLFetch.'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=33438208, bindings_allocated=6
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(null)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg=''

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=45, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=45
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON MovAgeR
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE INDEX Idx2 ON MovAgeR (Agente,DtaEffMat)'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE INDEX Idx3 ON MovAgeR
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE TABLE CodParlRadiceStato (RadiceCodParl
char(21),ISOStato char(2),Descri char(32),Prezzo float8,Nota char(64))'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname,
a.atttypid,t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where
int4out(u.usesysid) = int4out(c.relowner) and c.oid= a.attrelid and
a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0) and c.relname like
'CodParlRadiceStato' order by attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select distinct on attnum a2.attname, a2.attnum
from pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2, pg_class c, pg_index i where
c.relname = 'CodParlRadiceStato_pkey' AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND
a1.attrelid = c.oid AND a2.attrelid = c.oid AND (i.indkey[0] = a1.attnum
OR i.indkey[1] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[3] =
a1.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[6] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a1.attnum) order by a2.attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='Null
statement result in SQLFetch.'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=33438620, bindings_allocated=6
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(null)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg=''

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=45, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=45
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON CodParlRadiceStato
ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  Cannot create index:
'idx1' already exists'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=17, errmsg='Error
creating the table'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=0, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=0, bindings_allocated=0
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=4, statement='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1
ON CodParlRadiceStato (RadiceCodParl,ISOStato)'
                 stmt_with_params='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON
CodParlRadiceStato (RadiceCodParl,ISOStato)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='ERROR:  Cannot
create index: 'idx1' already exists'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=2, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=2
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE TABLE ArtFisca (Esercizio int2,Articolo
char(21),Vlrizazion int4,NoValxABC char(1),PnultCosto float8,UltCosto
float8,CostoStd float8,DispInizio float8,DispFinale float8,ImpOrdCliI
float8,ImpOrdCli float8,OrdAForI float8,OrdAFor float8,GiacInizio
float8,GiacFinale float8,ValGiacIni float8,QtaAcq float8,ValAcq
float8,QtaVenduta float8,ValVenduto float8,QtaScarti float8,ValScarti
float8,QtaEntrata float8,ValEntrato float8,QtaUscita float8,ValUscito
float8,ContoLavor float8,ContoTerzi float8,ImpProduz float8,InProduz
float8,InVisione float8,QtaReso float8,Campionar float8,ComodatUso
float8,InRiparaz float8,UtilProduz float8,UltNrLotto int4,QtaLib1
float8,ValLib1 float8,QtaLib2 float8,ValLib2 float8,QtaLib3
float8,ValLib3 float8,QtaLib4 float8,ValLib4 float8,QtaLib5
float8,ValLib5 float8)'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname,
a.atttypid,t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where
int4out(u.usesysid) = int4out(c.relowner) and c.oid= a.attrelid and
a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0) and c.relname like 'ArtFisca'
order by attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select distinct on attnum a2.attname, a2.attnum
from pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2, pg_class c, pg_index i where
c.relname = 'ArtFisca_pkey' AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND a1.attrelid =
c.oid AND a2.attrelid = c.oid AND (i.indkey[0] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[1] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[3] =
a1.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[6] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a1.attnum) order by a2.attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='Null
statement result in SQLFetch.'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=33438620, bindings_allocated=6
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(null)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='blank'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=45, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=45
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON ArtFisca
ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  Cannot create index:
'idx1' already exists'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=17, errmsg='Error
creating the table'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=0, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=0, bindings_allocated=0
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=4, statement='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1
ON ArtFisca (Esercizio,Articolo)'
                 stmt_with_params='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON ArtFisca
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='ERROR:  Cannot
create index: 'idx1' already exists'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=2, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=2
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE TABLE DBImplos (NomeUser char(25),NomeComp
char(25),NomeDocu char(35),Riga int2,Componente char(21),ComponRif
char(21),Descri char(64),TipoComp int4,Livello int2,UnMis
char(8),Quantita float8,UnMisBase char(8),QtaUnMisBa float8,NrMaxLiv
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname,
a.atttypid,t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where
int4out(u.usesysid) = int4out(c.relowner) and c.oid= a.attrelid and
a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0) and c.relname like 'DBImplos'
order by attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select distinct on attnum a2.attname, a2.attnum
from pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2, pg_class c, pg_index i where
c.relname = 'DBImplos_pkey' AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND a1.attrelid =
c.oid AND a2.attrelid = c.oid AND (i.indkey[0] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[1] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[3] =
a1.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[6] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a1.attnum) order by a2.attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='Null
statement result in SQLFetch.'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=33438844, bindings_allocated=6
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(null)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='blank'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=45, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=45
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON DBImplos
ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  Cannot create index:
'idx1' already exists'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=17, errmsg='Error
creating the table'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=0, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=0, bindings_allocated=0
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=4, statement='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1
ON DBImplos (NomeUser,NomeComp,NomeDocu,Riga)'
                 stmt_with_params='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON DBImplos
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='ERROR:  Cannot
create index: 'idx1' already exists'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=2, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=2
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE INDEX Idx2 ON DBImplos
ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  Cannot create index:
'idx2' already exists'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=17, errmsg='Error
creating the table'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=0, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=0, bindings_allocated=0
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=4, statement='CREATE INDEX Idx2 ON
DBImplos (NomeUser,NomeComp,NomeDocu,Componente,TipoComp)'
                 stmt_with_params='CREATE INDEX Idx2 ON DBImplos
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='ERROR:  Cannot
create index: 'idx2' already exists'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=2, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=2
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE TABLE Classi (Classe char(8),Descri
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname,
a.atttypid,t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where
int4out(u.usesysid) = int4out(c.relowner) and c.oid= a.attrelid and
a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0) and c.relname like 'Classi' order
by attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select distinct on attnum a2.attname, a2.attnum
from pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2, pg_class c, pg_index i where
c.relname = 'Classi_pkey' AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND a1.attrelid =
c.oid AND a2.attrelid = c.oid AND (i.indkey[0] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[1] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[3] =
a1.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[6] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a1.attnum) order by a2.attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='Null
statement result in SQLFetch.'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=33439356, bindings_allocated=6
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(null)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='blank'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=45, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=45
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON Classi (Classe)'
ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  Cannot create index:
'idx1' already exists'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=17, errmsg='Error
creating the table'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=0, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=0, bindings_allocated=0
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=4, statement='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1
ON Classi (Classe)'
                 stmt_with_params='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON Classi
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='ERROR:  Cannot
create index: 'idx1' already exists'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=2, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=2
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE TABLE DefEff (EffSBF char(16),EffIncasso
char(16),EffDopoInc char(16),EffInsol char(16),Tratte char(16),SiGCEFF
char(1),IdConDef int4,SiChiusCli char(1),RiBaAtt char(16),CambAtt
char(16),SiChiusBanca char(1),RidAtt char(16),MavAtt char(16),RidIncasso
char(16),MavIncasso char(16),AccettEff char(1),ChiudeCliSuCC char(1))'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname,
a.atttypid,t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where
int4out(u.usesysid) = int4out(c.relowner) and c.oid= a.attrelid and
a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0) and c.relname like 'DefEff' order
by attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select distinct on attnum a2.attname, a2.attnum
from pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2, pg_class c, pg_index i where
c.relname = 'DefEff_pkey' AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND a1.attrelid =
c.oid AND a2.attrelid = c.oid AND (i.indkey[0] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[1] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[3] =
a1.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[6] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a1.attnum) order by a2.attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='Null
statement result in SQLFetch.'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=33439736, bindings_allocated=6
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(null)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='blank'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=45, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=45
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON DefEff (IdConDef)'
ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  Cannot create index:
'idx1' already exists'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=17, errmsg='Error
creating the table'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=0, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=0, bindings_allocated=0
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=4, statement='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1
ON DefEff (IdConDef)'
                 stmt_with_params='CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Idx1 ON DefEff
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SC_execute, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='ERROR:  Cannot
create index: 'idx1' already exists'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=2, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=2
conn=33357944, query='BEGIN'
conn=33357944, query='CREATE TABLE DefIVA (IVAAcq char(16),IVAVend
char(16),IVACorr char(16),IVACorrVnt char(16),IVASospVen
char(16),IVASospAcq char(16),ErarioIVA char(16),IVAOmaggi
char(16),IVABase char(4),IdConDef int4)'
conn=33357944, query='COMMIT'
conn=33357944, query='select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname,
a.atttypid,t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull from
pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where
int4out(u.usesysid) = int4out(c.relowner) and c.oid= a.attrelid and
a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0) and c.relname like 'DefIVA' order
by attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=33357944, query='select distinct on attnum a2.attname, a2.attnum
from pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2, pg_class c, pg_index i where
c.relname = 'DefIVA_pkey' AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND a1.attrelid =
c.oid AND a2.attrelid = c.oid AND (i.indkey[0] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[1] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[3] =
a1.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a1.attnum OR
i.indkey[6] = a1.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a1.attnum) order by a2.attnum'
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
STATEMENT ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=3, errmsg='Null
statement result in SQLFetch.'

                 hdbc=33357944, stmt=33372436, result=0
                 manual_result=1, prepare=0, internal=0
                 bindings=33439736, bindings_allocated=6
                 parameters=0, parameters_allocated=0
                 statement_type=-2, statement='(null)'
                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=3,
                 ----------------QResult Info
CONN ERROR: func=SQLFetch, desc='', errnum=10, errmsg='blank'

            henv=34410316, conn=33357944, status=1, num_stmts=16
            sock=34410332, stmts=34410372, lobj_type=-999
            ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------

            socket=36, reverse=0, errornumber=0, errormsg='(null)'
            buffer_in=33364236, buffer_out=33368336
            buffer_filled_in=45, buffer_filled_out=0, buffer_read_in=45

Giuliano A.
