Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Graphical database maintenence design tool

Re: [GENERAL] Graphical database maintenence design tool

Hi Peter, Peter and Herouth (and everybody else),

On: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 11:30:23 +0300 you wrote

> At 21:10 +0300 on 3/6/98, Peter Mount wrote:
> > On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Peter Cordone wrote:
> >
> > > I am new to Postgres and somewhat new to Linux and Unix.  I am trying to
> > > find a graphical tool that I can use to do my database table design, in
> > > XWindows or one that I can run in Microsoft Windows NT over my network.
> > >
> > > Can anyone suggest anything?
> >
> > There are also quite a few Java JDBC Applications out there that will run
> > on both Linux and NT without recompiling. Check on
> Peter, I remember you gave me the same answer a while ago, but frankly,
> I've been roaming around gamelan lately (after my attempt with pgAccess
> failed), and I didn't see anything which fits the description. I saw a few
> tools which, from the descriptions, are nothing more than places to insert
> a query and see the results. If you're lucky, you see the results
> graphically. I just wonder if there's any took I've skipped, or if I looked
> in the wrong place at gamelan. Do you have any actual name of any software
> (preferable not commercial) which you know does it?
   I am very new to this list, so didn't notice the above correspondence
before. I have been using a multi platform GUI development toolkit called
wxWindows for a couple of years now. I have been working a little with ODBC
and wxWindows for some time too.

   wxWindows is freeware :-). It is good :-). It is extensible (I wonder if
this is the right word, I mean it has an awful lot of features) :-). The
source code is free :-) (Not even GNU). It has a lot of examples and
utilities :-). You get extremely good support :-).  The only (little) drawback
is that the Gui builder tools are not complete, but the Dialoged (-itor) is
quite good. The main URL is
It runs on UNIX (most flavours, Motif, Xt, XView is a little old), Windows 95,
Windows NT, and Windows 3.11.

   I am just about to release a very complex addition to wxWindows (DBGrid),
which is an ODBC based database table, with a lot of features (maybe too many
features.) I recently started to have a look at PostgreSQL, which I now have
up and running with interface both on UNIX (Linux) and Windoes 95 using this
DBGrid. I just have one minor obstacle left, which some of you might be able
to help me with:

   On Win95 everything is fine, but on Linux I am using Sergey's pgodbc
driver for connecting to PostgreSQL on my server (another Linux box) running
postmaster -i ... The problem is that when I call any of the ODBC/SQL...
functions it gets duplicated. It seems that the duplication is somewhere
between iodbc (the ODBC manager) and pgodbc (Sergey's ODBC driver). psql
works fine on both systems.

  This little problem is the only thing left for me to resolv before I
release the DBGrid class.


       _/                            _/_/   /  Leif Jensen (
      _/                _/         _/      /
     _/        _/_/             _/_/_/    /
    _/       _/   _/   _/        _/      / Linux 2.0.33, gcc 2.7.2, wxWin 1.66F
   _/       _/ _/_/   _/        _/      /
  _/       _/        _/   _/   _/      /
 _/_/_/_/   _/_/      _/_/    _/      /         (and Windows 95 :-(