Thread: Problem building the JDBC driver

Problem building the JDBC driver


on May 2nd I sent a question for help to this mailing list. My
problem is, that I  just can't build the JDBC-driver on my Linux
system. After typing 'make' I was showed error messages like

"Method redefined with different return type: postgresql.BigDecimal ..."
"class postgresql.PreparedStatement must be declared abstract ..."

I hoped, that somebody could give me a hint on what I might have done
wrong (probably with the setting of my include path). Unfortunately
the only reply to my question came from someone who seems to have the
same problem like me.

After spending some more hours with unsuccessful testing of different
(un)settings of my CLASSPATH and studying the READMEs I'm sure, that
without further help I won't belong to the lucky people with a
working JDBC driver for PostgreSQL. So please let me know, if someone
has an idea, what I might have done wrong.

If nothing else works another solution might be, if I had an already
built 'postgresql.jar' file. Does anybody know a place, where I can
get one.

Thank you in advance for your help.
