Thread: Parse error at or near char

Parse error at or near char

The Hermit Hacker

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Hi Again,

While implementing the DBD-Pg-0.63 package, I ran their set of 33 tests.
The sequence failed on the second test with a fatal error that appears to
originate in PostgreSQL.  I extracted test 2 from their file
and set it up to run like a Postgres regression test (shown at the end
of this post).  The problem manifests itself as a 'parse error at or near
"char"'.  Column 2 in the "builtin" table was assigned the name
"char".  I changed it to "CHAR"; it still failed.  I changed it
to "xhar" and it passed; but test 5 reported "not OK" and test 29 failed
from an unrelated cause.  Using "khar", only test 29 failed.  If I comment
out test 29, all of the other tests report OK.  The names "cookie" and
"cook" are OK; it seems that only the word "char" offends test 2.

I did run the Postgres regressions test and the characters test all
passed!  Flex on my system is at 2.5.3 and bison is at 1.22 .  Are
these ok?  What other utility version numbers should I check?  Do
I have a configuration problem or is this a PostgreSQL bug?


#---------------------------- An *.sql like test -- cut here

-- Test-2 extracted and shortened from the file of the DBD-Pg-0.63 package.

CREATE TABLE builtin (
  bool    bool,
-- char    char,     Test 2 Fatal: gives parse error at or near "char" from PostgreSQL
-- CHAR    char,       "
-- xhar    char, ok  Test 5 gives Not OK, Test 29  Fatal from PostgreSQL
-- khar    char, ok  Test 29 Fatal: from PostgreSQL Re: no pg_user table (?)
-- cookie  char, ok
  cook    char,
  char16  char16,
  text    text,
  date    date,
  int4    int4,
  int4_   int4[],
  float8  float8,
  point   point,
  lseg    lseg,
  box     box

  'Edmund Mergl',

SELECT * from builtin;