Thread: Re: [BUGS] Large Object

Re: [BUGS] Large Object

Peter T Mount
[ moved to interfaces ]

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, ChulSu Park wrote:

> Hello,
>     Can anyone answer?
> (1) when I run the test/example/testlo.c, comment out "exit(0)" at the
> end of the main, it segfaulted on redhat5.0 linux(and libpq++ examples
> also).  Then Do I have to call "exit" function always? not usual return
> 0; ?
> (2) How can I get the size(length) of the large object?  When I try
> lo_open
> size1 = lo_lseek to SEEK_END
> or
> size2 = lo_tell
> size gives me -1 for big large object(it worked for small large
> object).  So I browsed the libpq sources, in fe-lobj.c there was comment
> something like this
> ... only L_SET is implemented... then how can I get the saved large
> object size?
> impossible?

The way I implemented it in the JDBC driver was (similar to):

long tmp = lo_seek to SEEK_END
long size = lo_tell
lo_seek to tmp

I tested this on objects ranging from 512 bytes to 2Mb.

Peter T Mount or
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