Thread: Can't connect with ODBC

Can't connect with ODBC

"Michael Moss"
I apologize if this is a repost, but it's been awhile since I posted it and
I haven't seen it in the newsgroup yet, so I'm afraid it didn't go through.
I tried to post directly to the newsgroup. Is that not allowed? Anyhow, on
to my problem.

I installed the Insight ODBC driver, but I can't seem to connect using
Access 97. I keep getting an error of "User authentication failed (#10)".
I'm not sure that I have everything setup properly. Is there a checklist of
some sort that I can use to test my configuration?

Here's what I've tested:
- I telnet to the Linux box on port 5432 and it connects, so postmaster
seems to be taking connections.
- I can use psql on the Linux box, under my username, to connect to a little
test database I created, so I think my privileges are setup properly
- I tried all three DSN types (user, system, and file) and they all had the
same result.
- Tried on an NT system and a Win95 system with no luck

I don't know enough about it to debug any more than that. Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Michael Moss
Blackbox Studios

(remove "-no-spam" from my address if you wish to reply by e-mail)

Re: [INTERFACES] Can't connect with ODBC

"Julia A.Case"
Quoting Michael Moss (
> I installed the Insight ODBC driver, but I can't seem to connect using
> Access 97. I keep getting an error of "User authentication failed (#10)".
> I'm not sure that I have everything setup properly. Is there a checklist of
> some sort that I can use to test my configuration?
    Did you start the backend with -i -p 5432
    In the newer backend it is not the default to start with tcp/ip
    You can still connect with psql on the local machine but it will
fail on the backend.


[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]