Thread: ODBC driver: update "bug"?

ODBC driver: update "bug"?

The Hermit Hacker

    Okay, I think I've pretty much covered it all, and have it to the
point that my uniqid is linked in, and my table(s) are accessible, but I
still can't seem to update.

    If, in the 'table' view of one of my tables, I change a field (it
let's me know), and then hit the 'next record' button on the bottom of the
screen, Access just freezes up...I have to kill Access from the 'close
program' screen in Windows...

    If I, before killing it, go to the table using psql, I can't even
select data, since it appears to be locked in a 'write' mode, so I *think*
its trying to do something...

    Bug?  Or mis-configuration on my part?