Thread: Re: PostgreSQL ODBC

Re: PostgreSQL ODBC

Byron Nikolaidis
Karl Bolingbroke wrote:

> Hi,
> I have used your new ODBC driver and I love it.  It is much more stable than
> the previous version.  I am still supporting some Windows 3.1 clients however,
> and I wondered if you planned to do a 16-bit version of the driver?
> I'm playing with your source code now, but considering that this is my first C
> project, I doubt I'll get very far.  Please let me know what you intend to do.
> Even if you don't do a 16-bit version though, thank you VERY much for your
> 32-bit driver.
> Karl Bolingbroke
> ------------------------
> Karl Bolingbroke
> Flying J Inc.
> 435-734-6404
> ------------------------


I am working, on my own time, on a port of the new odbc driver to 16 bit.  But
this might take some time.  I am currently just trying to get the driver to
compile and link.  Once that is done, there is the issue of memory usage.  The new
driver uses malloc for data structures and simply returns the pointer as an
environment, connection, or statement handle.  This is fine for win32 but would
probably break miserably on win16.  Malloc() is not supposed to be used at all
under Win3.1 according to Microsoft.  But even the old driver, made quite liberal
use of malloc() in the 16 bit version.  That might explain some crashes!

I'm not sure about how I am going to test it since I don't have access to any
Windows 3.1 machines or applications for that matter.

If anyone has any ideas on testing scenarios, I would love to hear them.  Can you
test a 16 bit driver properly on windows 95?  If so, what applications can you

Or if anyone wants to volunteer to test an experimental 16 bit driver, that might
help too.

Also, there is the matter of the 16 bit install.  The new driver needs to create
some new keys (in the INI files) that the old one didn't.  Anybody know anything
about upgrading the 16 bit install program?



"Julia A.Case"
Quoting Byron Nikolaidis (
> I am working, on my own time, on a port of the new odbc driver to 16 bit.  But
> this might take some time.  I am currently just trying to get the driver to
> compile and link.  Once that is done, there is the issue of memory usage.  The new
> driver uses malloc for data structures and simply returns the pointer as an
> environment, connection, or statement handle.  This is fine for win32 but would
> probably break miserably on win16.  Malloc() is not supposed to be used at all
> under Win3.1 according to Microsoft.  But even the old driver, made quite liberal
> use of malloc() in the 16 bit version.  That might explain some crashes!
    How can I help witht his development?

> I'm not sure about how I am going to test it since I don't have access to any
> Windows 3.1 machines or applications for that matter.
> If anyone has any ideas on testing scenarios, I would love to hear them.  Can you
> test a 16 bit driver properly on windows 95?  If so, what applications can you
> use?
> Or if anyone wants to volunteer to test an experimental 16 bit driver, that might
> help too.
    I will be able to test the 16 bit driver.

> Also, there is the matter of the 16 bit install.  The new driver needs to create
> some new keys (in the INI files) that the old one didn't.  Anybody know anything
> about upgrading the 16 bit install program?
    The install issues are going to be fun.  I still have the source
for the old install.  That could be updated.  The ODBC support files will
need to be updated though.


[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]