Thread: Re: ODBC driver (SQLGetTypeInfo)

Re: ODBC driver (SQLGetTypeInfo)

Byron Nikolaidis

I changed the driver to handle this a little better.

- text was already SQL_LONGVARCHAR.
- name is now SQL_CHAR (fixed at 32) - it should have been this all along
- varchar and bpchar both return SQL_VARCHAR, BUT varchar now comes first,
since it is most correct anyway, I think that makes sense.

Hope this helps.

The latest stuff is at our web site.


Paul Lisewski wrote:

> When getting a list of DataTypes via SQLGetInfo, there are 4 SQL_VARCHAR
> types.
> They are:
> bpchar, varchar, text and name.
> I have a utility to interogate a database and create tables using the
> syntax from SQLGetInfo. I pick the first match from the list (in this
> case bpchar). Could the Types be modified to SQL_LONGVARCHAR for the non
> varchar datatypes or at least resequenced so that varchar comes before
> bpchar
> Various version of PostODBC used to have this problem, then it was
> changed so that bpchar reported SQL_LONGVARCHAR.