Thread: Re: ODBC driver

Re: ODBC driver

Byron Nikolaidis

I fixed the problems where no dates (or times) were showing up at all in MS Query (and I hope VB too
-- i don't have that to test).  I still haven't added the DateStyle stuff yet, but at least US
format dates will show up.

Try it out.  The current stuff is at our web site.


Stephen Davies wrote:

> it does not seem to handle date fields at all well.
> In MS Query, I get empty columns for all date fields (using US format and real
> format), in  VB5  apps I get "3146 ODBC call failed" on the first
> OpenRecordSet call and in the same app under VB4 I get garbage if the dates
> are in real format  (dmy).
> If I switch the server to US format dates, the VB4 apps seem to work OK.
> Could we please have a version that works with VB5 and knows about
> international issues.

Re: ODBC driver

Stephen Davies
> Stephen,
> I fixed the problems where no dates (or times) were showing up at all in MS Query (and I hope VB too
> -- i don't have that to test).  I still haven't added the DateStyle stuff yet, but at least US
> format dates will show up.
> Try it out.  The current stuff is at our web site.
Thank you Byron. This version plus the ConnSettings facility now has my apps
running better than ever.

BTW, the VB5 problem was nothing to do with you. It turned out to be one of
those you beaut features of VB5 where code that worked fine under VB4 fails
under VB5. I reworded the code and now VB4 and VB5 run as expected.

On the subject of 16-bit support: I was one of those who needed 16-bit support
before but my last 16-bit PostgreSQL client upgraded to W95 a couple of
months ago.

Despite that, I agree that we really should have a 16-bit option for those
lucky people who can resist the MS behemouth.

Cheers and thanks,
Stephen Davies Consulting                                  
Adelaide, South Australia.                                             Voice: 61-8-82728863
Computing & Network solutions.                                     Fax: 61-8-82741015