Thread: Re: [QUESTIONS] JDBC Driver from another machine

Re: [QUESTIONS] JDBC Driver from another machine

Peter T Mount
[ cc'd to correct list]

On Wed, 11 Mar 1998, Mike Engelhart wrote:

> I'm wondering if i'm not understanding the use of JDBC, in particular the
> driver that is included with PostgreSQL v6.3.  I've compiled the drivers
> fine on my LinuxPPC box.  Knowing that, can't I just copy the .jar file or
> the individual class files and put them into the classpath of any
> development machine with a compatible VM and create Java applications that
> talk to the database?  What i've tried unsuccessfully to do is write a

Yes, simply copy the postgresql.jar file. I've compiled here under Linux,
and used it under Windoze95, NT & Solaris with no problems

> simple app to connect to the database running on my LinuxPPC box from a
> Macintosh using Visual Cafe 2.0 (which has a JDK 1.1.3 compatbile VM).   I
> made sure the .jar archive and/or the .class files were in the system
> classpath on my Mac, but I throw an execption (ClassNotFoundException) when
> I run the line of code:
> Class.forName("postgresql.Driver");

The jar file has to be defined in CLASSPATH, and not just in a directory

Peter T Mount or
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