Thread: New install program for PostODBC

New install program for PostODBC

"Julia A. Case"
    The first look at the new install for PostODBC is up on the ftp
site.  A few words of warning...  The dll that is included doesn't work
very well...  It's a pre-alpha of the 6.3 support, I hope to have a
better working model out next week.  Also, the Install doesn't have the
proper 'splash' screen yet.  A friend of mine is working on that, and
should have it to me this weekend...

    I'm mostly looking for feedback on how this install works itself
(setting up the proper registry keys and such).  It comes with the
redist components from ODBC 3.1.


[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]