Thread: RE: starting from 0: pgacces, libpgtcl

RE: starting from 0: pgacces, libpgtcl

Sandro Dentella
Hi  Constantin Teodorescu,

> Sandro Dentella wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> >   I wanted to start playing with postgress to learn how to use databases.
> after you will start postmaster daemon, take a look at :

Thanks a lot for the pointer. Your program is just fantastic. I begun playing
with it a couple of hours ago, tracing pg_ command with watch from BLT:
pgacces turns out to be also the best tutorial on libpgtcl, sql language...
not to mention I very appreciate the graphics too.

Do you know whether there is any porting to windows of libpgtcl? Or how should
one connect from a win95 to postgres from within tcl-tk?

Thanks in advance


Sandro Dentella *:-)  -

Re: [INTERFACES] RE: starting from 0: pgacces, libpgtcl

Constantin Teodorescu
Sandro Dentella wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the pointer. Your program is just fantastic. I begun playing
> with it a couple of hours ago, tracing pg_ command with watch from BLT:
> pgacces turns out to be also the best tutorial on libpgtcl, sql language...
> not to mention I very appreciate the graphics too.
> Do you know whether there is any porting to windows of libpgtcl? Or how should
> one connect from a win95 to postgres from within tcl-tk?

Not yet. In a couple of weeks I will try a connection to PostgreSQL with
Tcl/Tk 8.0 without libpgtcl.

A windows version would be than possible.
Unfortunately I don't have enough time for the moment.

Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA