Thread: Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

"David G. Johnston"
Moving my griping to -hackers only

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote: writes:
> postgres=# create unlogged table u_tbl (id int);
> postgres=# create index idx_u_tbl on u_tbl using bloom (id);
> ERROR:  index "idx_u_tbl" already contains data

Yeah, it looks like nobody ever tested bloom's unlogged-index support;
it doesn't work or even come very close to working.  Will fix, thanks
for the report!

​I'll tack on my own gripe here, just because.

It doesn't give me a lot of confidence in what was committed when the summary sentence for the module says:

bloom is a module which implements an index access method. It comes as an example of custom access methods and generic WAL records usage. But it is also useful in itself.

​Honestly, as a user I couldn't care less that bloom is "an example custom access method"​.  I want to know what it does and that it does so reliably, and has a easy-to-use interface.  I complained earlier about its lack of direct support for the boolean type.  Teodor's response on the thread wasn't particularly encouraging:
I also see that the following -hacker thread didn't get resolved:

I would not be surprised to see additional problems crop up in the module.  Tom's characterization above just reinforces that.

David J.

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Jeff Janes
<p dir="ltr"><br /> On May 24, 2016 5:27 PM, "David G. Johnston" <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /> ><br /> > Moving my
gripingto -hackers only<br /> ><br /> > On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Tom Lane <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /> >><br /> >> <a
href=""></a>writes:<br /> >> > postgres=# create unlogged table u_tbl (id
int);<br/> >> > CREATE TABLE<br /> >> > postgres=# create index idx_u_tbl on u_tbl using bloom
(id);<br/> >> > ERROR:  index "idx_u_tbl" already contains data<br /> >><br /> >> Yeah, it looks
likenobody ever tested bloom's unlogged-index support;<br /> >> it doesn't work or even come very close to
working. Will fix, thanks<br /> >> for the report!<br /> ><br /> ><br /> > ​I'll tack on my own gripe
here,just because.<br /> ><br /> > It doesn't give me a lot of confidence in what was committed when the summary
sentencefor the module says:<br /> ><br /> > "<br /> > bloom is a module which implements an index access
method.It comes as an example of custom access methods and generic WAL records usage. But it is also useful in
itself.<br/> > ​"​<br /> ><br /> ><br /> > ​Honestly, as a user I couldn't care less that bloom is "an
examplecustom access method"​.  I want to know what it does and that it does so reliably, and has a easy-to-use
interface. I complained earlier about its lack of direct support for the boolean type.  Teodor's response on the thread
wasn'tparticularly encouraging:<br /> ><p dir="ltr">Given what a Bloom filter is/does, I'm having a hard time seeing
howit makes much sense to support the boolean type.<p dir="ltr">My biggest gripe with it at the moment is that the
signaturesize should be expressed in bits, and then internally rounded up to a multiple of 16, rather than having it be
expressedin 'uint16'.<p dir="ltr">If that were done it would be easier to fix the documentation to be more
understandable.<pdir="ltr">On the positive side, I've done extensive crash-recovery testing (not with unlogged tables,
obviously)and that part seems solid.<p dir="ltr">Cheers,<p dir="ltr">Jeff 

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Tom Lane
Jeff Janes <> writes:
> Given what a Bloom filter is/does, I'm having a hard time seeing how it
> makes much sense to support the boolean type.

> My biggest gripe with it at the moment is that the signature size should be
> expressed in bits, and then internally rounded up to a multiple of 16,
> rather than having it be expressed in 'uint16'.

> If that were done it would be easier to fix the documentation to be more
> understandable.

+1 ... that sort of definition seems much more future-proof, too.
IMO it's not too late to change this.  (We probably don't want to change
the on-disk representation of the reloptions, but we could convert from
bits to words in bloptions().)
        regards, tom lane

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Tom Lane
I wrote:
> Jeff Janes <> writes:
>> My biggest gripe with it at the moment is that the signature size should be
>> expressed in bits, and then internally rounded up to a multiple of 16,
>> rather than having it be expressed in 'uint16'.
>> If that were done it would be easier to fix the documentation to be more
>> understandable.

> +1 ... that sort of definition seems much more future-proof, too.
> IMO it's not too late to change this.  (We probably don't want to change
> the on-disk representation of the reloptions, but we could convert from
> bits to words in bloptions().)

There were no objections to this, but also no action.  Attached is a draft
patch ... any complaints?

            regards, tom lane

diff --git a/contrib/bloom/bloom.h b/contrib/bloom/bloom.h
index c21eebf..a9daf63 100644
*** a/contrib/bloom/bloom.h
--- b/contrib/bloom/bloom.h
*************** typedef BloomPageOpaqueData *BloomPageOp
*** 79,96 ****
  #define BLOOM_HEAD_BLKNO        (1)        /* first data page */

!  * Maximum of bloom signature length in uint16. Actual value
!  * is 512 bytes
! #define MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH        (256)

  /* Bloom index options */
  typedef struct BloomOptions
      int32        vl_len_;        /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
!     int            bloomLength;    /* length of signature in uint16 */
!     int            bitSize[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];        /* signature bits per index
!                                                  * key */
  }    BloomOptions;

--- 79,108 ----
  #define BLOOM_HEAD_BLKNO        (1)        /* first data page */

!  * We store Bloom signatures as arrays of uint16 words.
! typedef uint16 BloomSignatureWord;
! #define SIGNWORDBITS ((int) (BITS_PER_BYTE * sizeof(BloomSignatureWord)))
! /*
!  * Default and maximum Bloom signature length in bits.
!  */
! #define MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH        (256 * SIGNWORDBITS)
! /*
!  * Default and maximum signature bits generated per index key.
!  */
! #define DEFAULT_BLOOM_BITS        2
! #define MAX_BLOOM_BITS            (MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH - 1)

  /* Bloom index options */
  typedef struct BloomOptions
      int32        vl_len_;        /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
!     int            bloomLength;    /* length of signature in words (not bits!) */
!     int            bitSize[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];    /* signature bits per index key */
  }    BloomOptions;

*************** typedef struct BloomState
*** 143,154 ****
   * Tuples are very different from all other relations
- typedef uint16 SignType;
  typedef struct BloomTuple
      ItemPointerData heapPtr;
!     SignType    sign[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
  }    BloomTuple;

  #define BLOOMTUPLEHDRSZ offsetof(BloomTuple, sign)
--- 155,164 ----
   * Tuples are very different from all other relations
  typedef struct BloomTuple
      ItemPointerData heapPtr;
!     BloomSignatureWord    sign[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
  }    BloomTuple;

  #define BLOOMTUPLEHDRSZ offsetof(BloomTuple, sign)
*************** typedef struct BloomTuple
*** 156,162 ****
  /* Opaque data structure for bloom index scan */
  typedef struct BloomScanOpaqueData
!     SignType   *sign;            /* Scan signature */
      BloomState    state;
  }    BloomScanOpaqueData;

--- 166,172 ----
  /* Opaque data structure for bloom index scan */
  typedef struct BloomScanOpaqueData
!     BloomSignatureWord   *sign;            /* Scan signature */
      BloomState    state;
  }    BloomScanOpaqueData;

*************** extern void BloomFillMetapage(Relation i
*** 170,176 ****
  extern void BloomInitMetapage(Relation index);
  extern void BloomInitPage(Page page, uint16 flags);
  extern Buffer BloomNewBuffer(Relation index);
! extern void signValue(BloomState * state, SignType * sign, Datum value, int attno);
  extern BloomTuple *BloomFormTuple(BloomState * state, ItemPointer iptr, Datum *values, bool *isnull);
  extern bool BloomPageAddItem(BloomState * state, Page page, BloomTuple * tuple);

--- 180,186 ----
  extern void BloomInitMetapage(Relation index);
  extern void BloomInitPage(Page page, uint16 flags);
  extern Buffer BloomNewBuffer(Relation index);
! extern void signValue(BloomState * state, BloomSignatureWord * sign, Datum value, int attno);
  extern BloomTuple *BloomFormTuple(BloomState * state, ItemPointer iptr, Datum *values, bool *isnull);
  extern bool BloomPageAddItem(BloomState * state, Page page, BloomTuple * tuple);

diff --git a/contrib/bloom/blscan.c b/contrib/bloom/blscan.c
index aebf32a..0c954dc 100644
*** a/contrib/bloom/blscan.c
--- b/contrib/bloom/blscan.c
*************** blgetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitma
*** 93,99 ****
          /* New search: have to calculate search signature */
          ScanKey        skey = scan->keyData;

!         so->sign = palloc0(sizeof(SignType) * so->state.opts.bloomLength);

          for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfKeys; i++)
--- 93,99 ----
          /* New search: have to calculate search signature */
          ScanKey        skey = scan->keyData;

!         so->sign = palloc0(sizeof(BloomSignatureWord) * so->state.opts.bloomLength);

          for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfKeys; i++)
diff --git a/contrib/bloom/blutils.c b/contrib/bloom/blutils.c
index 4a5b343..8f13476 100644
*** a/contrib/bloom/blutils.c
--- b/contrib/bloom/blutils.c
*** 27,49 ****

  #include "bloom.h"

! /* Signature dealing macros */
! #define BITSIGNTYPE (BITS_PER_BYTE * sizeof(SignType))
! #define GETWORD(x,i) ( *( (SignType*)(x) + (int)( (i) / BITSIGNTYPE ) ) )
! #define CLRBIT(x,i)   GETWORD(x,i) &= ~( 0x01 << ( (i) % BITSIGNTYPE ) )
! #define SETBIT(x,i)   GETWORD(x,i) |=  ( 0x01 << ( (i) % BITSIGNTYPE ) )
! #define GETBIT(x,i) ( (GETWORD(x,i) >> ( (i) % BITSIGNTYPE )) & 0x01 )


! /* Kind of relation optioms for bloom index */
  static relopt_kind bl_relopt_kind;

  static int32 myRand(void);
  static void mySrand(uint32 seed);

!  * Module initialize function: initilized relation options.
--- 27,52 ----

  #include "bloom.h"

! /* Signature dealing macros - note i is assumed to be of type int */
! #define GETWORD(x,i) ( *( (BloomSignatureWord *)(x) + ( (i) / SIGNWORDBITS ) ) )
! #define CLRBIT(x,i)   GETWORD(x,i) &= ~( 0x01 << ( (i) % SIGNWORDBITS ) )
! #define SETBIT(x,i)   GETWORD(x,i) |=  ( 0x01 << ( (i) % SIGNWORDBITS ) )
! #define GETBIT(x,i) ( (GETWORD(x,i) >> ( (i) % SIGNWORDBITS )) & 0x01 )


! /* Kind of relation options for bloom index */
  static relopt_kind bl_relopt_kind;
+ /* parse table for fillRelOptions */
+ static relopt_parse_elt bl_relopt_tab[INDEX_MAX_KEYS + 1];

  static int32 myRand(void);
  static void mySrand(uint32 seed);

!  * Module initialize function: initialize info about Bloom relation options.
!  *
!  * Note: keep this in sync with makeDefaultBloomOptions().
*************** _PG_init(void)
*** 53,70 ****

      bl_relopt_kind = add_reloption_kind();

      add_int_reloption(bl_relopt_kind, "length",
!                       "Length of signature in uint16 type", 5, 1, 256);

      for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++)
!         snprintf(buf, 16, "col%d", i + 1);
          add_int_reloption(bl_relopt_kind, buf,
!                       "Number of bits for corresponding column", 2, 1, 2048);

   * Bloom handler function: return IndexAmRoutine with access method parameters
   * and callbacks.
--- 56,101 ----

      bl_relopt_kind = add_reloption_kind();

+     /* Option for length of signature */
      add_int_reloption(bl_relopt_kind, "length",
!                       "Length of signature in bits",
!                       DEFAULT_BLOOM_LENGTH, 1, MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH);
!     bl_relopt_tab[0].optname = "length";
!     bl_relopt_tab[0].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_INT;
!     bl_relopt_tab[0].offset = offsetof(BloomOptions, bloomLength);

+     /* Number of bits for each possible index column: col1, col2, ... */
      for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++)
!         snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "col%d", i + 1);
          add_int_reloption(bl_relopt_kind, buf,
!                           "Number of bits for corresponding column",
!                           DEFAULT_BLOOM_BITS, 1, MAX_BLOOM_BITS);
!         bl_relopt_tab[i + 1].optname = MemoryContextStrdup(TopMemoryContext,
!                                                            buf);
!         bl_relopt_tab[i + 1].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_INT;
!         bl_relopt_tab[i + 1].offset = offsetof(BloomOptions, bitSize[i]);

+  * Construct a default set of Bloom options.
+  */
+ static BloomOptions *
+ makeDefaultBloomOptions(void)
+ {
+     BloomOptions *opts;
+     int                i;
+     opts = (BloomOptions *) palloc0(sizeof(BloomOptions));
+     for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++)
+         opts->bitSize[i] = DEFAULT_BLOOM_BITS;
+     SET_VARSIZE(opts, sizeof(BloomOptions));
+     return opts;
+ }
+ /*
   * Bloom handler function: return IndexAmRoutine with access method parameters
   * and callbacks.
*************** initBloomState(BloomState *state, Relati
*** 157,163 ****

      memcpy(&state->opts, index->rd_amcache, sizeof(state->opts));
      state->sizeOfBloomTuple = BLOOMTUPLEHDRSZ +
!         sizeof(SignType) * state->opts.bloomLength;

--- 188,194 ----

      memcpy(&state->opts, index->rd_amcache, sizeof(state->opts));
      state->sizeOfBloomTuple = BLOOMTUPLEHDRSZ +
!         sizeof(BloomSignatureWord) * state->opts.bloomLength;

*************** mySrand(uint32 seed)
*** 208,214 ****
   * Add bits of given value to the signature.
! signValue(BloomState *state, SignType *sign, Datum value, int attno)
      uint32        hashVal;
      int            nBit,
--- 239,245 ----
   * Add bits of given value to the signature.
! signValue(BloomState *state, BloomSignatureWord *sign, Datum value, int attno)
      uint32        hashVal;
      int            nBit,
*************** signValue(BloomState *state, SignType *s
*** 231,238 ****

      for (j = 0; j < state->opts.bitSize[attno]; j++)
!         /* prevent mutiple evaluation */
!         nBit = myRand() % (state->opts.bloomLength * BITSIGNTYPE);
          SETBIT(sign, nBit);
--- 262,269 ----

      for (j = 0; j < state->opts.bitSize[attno]; j++)
!         /* prevent multiple evaluation in SETBIT macro */
!         nBit = myRand() % (state->opts.bloomLength * SIGNWORDBITS);
          SETBIT(sign, nBit);
*************** BloomInitPage(Page page, uint16 flags)
*** 362,400 ****

-  * Adjust options of bloom index.
-  *
-  * This must produce default options when *opts is initially all-zero.
-  */
- static void
- adjustBloomOptions(BloomOptions *opts)
- {
-     int                i;
-     /* Default length of bloom filter is 5 of 16-bit integers */
-     if (opts->bloomLength <= 0)
-         opts->bloomLength = 5;
-     else if (opts->bloomLength > MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH)
-         ereport(ERROR,
-                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),
-                  errmsg("length of bloom signature (%d) is greater than maximum %d",
-                         opts->bloomLength, MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH)));
-     /* Check signature length */
-     for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++)
-     {
-         /*
-          * Zero and negative number of bits is meaningless.  Also setting
-          * more bits than signature have seems useless.  Replace both cases
-          * with 2 bits default.
-          */
-         if (opts->bitSize[i] <= 0
-             || opts->bitSize[i] >= opts->bloomLength * sizeof(SignType) * BITS_PER_BYTE)
-             opts->bitSize[i] = 2;
-     }
- }
- /*
   * Fill in metapage for bloom index.
--- 393,398 ----
*************** BloomFillMetapage(Relation index, Page m
*** 405,418 ****

       * Choose the index's options.  If reloptions have been assigned, use
!      * those, otherwise create default options by applying adjustBloomOptions
!      * to a zeroed chunk of memory.  We apply adjustBloomOptions to existing
!      * reloptions too, just out of paranoia; they should be valid already.
      opts = (BloomOptions *) index->rd_options;
      if (!opts)
!         opts = (BloomOptions *) palloc0(sizeof(BloomOptions));
!     adjustBloomOptions(opts);

       * Initialize contents of meta page, including a copy of the options,
--- 403,413 ----

       * Choose the index's options.  If reloptions have been assigned, use
!      * those, otherwise create default options.
      opts = (BloomOptions *) index->rd_options;
      if (!opts)
!         opts = makeDefaultBloomOptions();

       * Initialize contents of meta page, including a copy of the options,
*************** bloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validat
*** 462,491 ****
      relopt_value *options;
      int            numoptions;
      BloomOptions *rdopts;
-     relopt_parse_elt tab[INDEX_MAX_KEYS + 1];
-     int            i;
-     char        buf[16];
-     /* Option for length of signature */
-     tab[0].optname = "length";
-     tab[0].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_INT;
-     tab[0].offset = offsetof(BloomOptions, bloomLength);
-     /* Number of bits for each of possible columns: col1, col2, ... */
-     for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++)
-     {
-         snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "col%d", i + 1);
-         tab[i + 1].optname = pstrdup(buf);
-         tab[i + 1].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_INT;
-         tab[i + 1].offset = offsetof(BloomOptions, bitSize[i]);
-     }

      options = parseRelOptions(reloptions, validate, bl_relopt_kind, &numoptions);
      rdopts = allocateReloptStruct(sizeof(BloomOptions), options, numoptions);
      fillRelOptions((void *) rdopts, sizeof(BloomOptions), options, numoptions,
!                    validate, tab, INDEX_MAX_KEYS + 1);

!     adjustBloomOptions(rdopts);

      return (bytea *) rdopts;
--- 457,471 ----
      relopt_value *options;
      int            numoptions;
      BloomOptions *rdopts;

+     /* Parse the user-given reloptions */
      options = parseRelOptions(reloptions, validate, bl_relopt_kind, &numoptions);
      rdopts = allocateReloptStruct(sizeof(BloomOptions), options, numoptions);
      fillRelOptions((void *) rdopts, sizeof(BloomOptions), options, numoptions,
!                    validate, bl_relopt_tab, lengthof(bl_relopt_tab));

!     /* Convert signature length to words, rounding up */
!     rdopts->bloomLength = (rdopts->bloomLength + SIGNWORDBITS - 1) / SIGNWORDBITS;

      return (bytea *) rdopts;
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/bloom.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/bloom.sgml
index 49cb066..abf30e7 100644
*** a/doc/src/sgml/bloom.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/bloom.sgml
*** 8,15 ****

!   <literal>bloom</> is a module which implements an index access method.  It comes
!   as an example of custom access methods and generic WAL records usage.  But it
    is also useful in itself.

--- 8,15 ----

!   <literal>bloom</> is a module that implements an index access method.  It comes
!   as an example of custom access methods and generic WAL record usage.  But it
    is also useful in itself.

*** 22,29 ****
     allows fast exclusion of non-candidate tuples via signatures.
     Since a signature is a lossy representation of all indexed attributes,
     search results must be rechecked using heap information.
!    The user can specify signature length (in uint16, default is 5) and the
!    number of bits, which can be set per attribute (1 < colN < 2048).

--- 22,30 ----
     allows fast exclusion of non-candidate tuples via signatures.
     Since a signature is a lossy representation of all indexed attributes,
     search results must be rechecked using heap information.
!    The user can specify signature length in bits (default 80, maximum 4096)
!    and the number of bits generated for each index column (default 2,
!    maximum 4095).

*** 51,64 ****
!       Length of signature in uint16 type values
!     <term><literal>col1 — col16</></term>
        Number of bits for corresponding column
--- 52,65 ----
!       Length of signature in bits
!     <term><literal>col1 — col32</></term>
        Number of bits for corresponding column
*** 77,88 ****

  CREATE INDEX bloomidx ON tbloom USING bloom (i1,i2,i3)
!        WITH (length=5, col1=2, col2=2, col3=4);

     Here, we created a bloom index with a signature length of 80 bits,
!    and attributes i1 and i2 mapped to 2 bits, and attribute i3 to 4 bits.

--- 78,89 ----

  CREATE INDEX bloomidx ON tbloom USING bloom (i1,i2,i3)
!        WITH (length=80, col1=2, col2=2, col3=4);

     Here, we created a bloom index with a signature length of 80 bits,
!    and attributes i1 and i2 mapped to 2 bits, and attribute i3 mapped to 4 bits.


Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Michael Paquier
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> I wrote:
>> Jeff Janes <> writes:
>>> My biggest gripe with it at the moment is that the signature size should be
>>> expressed in bits, and then internally rounded up to a multiple of 16,
>>> rather than having it be expressed in 'uint16'.
>>> If that were done it would be easier to fix the documentation to be more
>>> understandable.
>> +1 ... that sort of definition seems much more future-proof, too.
>> IMO it's not too late to change this.  (We probably don't want to change
>> the on-disk representation of the reloptions, but we could convert from
>> bits to words in bloptions().)
> There were no objections to this, but also no action.  Attached is a draft
> patch ... any complaints?

None. This looks rather sane to me.

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Michael Paquier
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Michael Paquier
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> I wrote:
>>> Jeff Janes <> writes:
>>>> My biggest gripe with it at the moment is that the signature size should be
>>>> expressed in bits, and then internally rounded up to a multiple of 16,
>>>> rather than having it be expressed in 'uint16'.
>>>> If that were done it would be easier to fix the documentation to be more
>>>> understandable.
>>> +1 ... that sort of definition seems much more future-proof, too.
>>> IMO it's not too late to change this.  (We probably don't want to change
>>> the on-disk representation of the reloptions, but we could convert from
>>> bits to words in bloptions().)
>> There were no objections to this, but also no action.  Attached is a draft
>> patch ... any complaints?
> None. This looks rather sane to me.

Actually, the docs could be more polished. "Limitation" should be
changed to "Limitations", and "Opclass interface" to "Operator Class
Interface". The current wording "Seqscan is slow" is not clear, this
should mention a sequential scan instead. And it is not that slow,
just slower than the heap index scan of bloom..

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Tom Lane
Michael Paquier <> writes:
> Actually, the docs could be more polished.

I think the docs could stand to be rewritten from scratch ;-).  But
upthread there was an offer to work on them if we made the code behavior
saner.  I've done the latter part, I don't want to do the former.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Jeff Janes
On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 9:03 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> I wrote:
>> Jeff Janes <> writes:
>>> My biggest gripe with it at the moment is that the signature size should be
>>> expressed in bits, and then internally rounded up to a multiple of 16,
>>> rather than having it be expressed in 'uint16'.
>>> If that were done it would be easier to fix the documentation to be more
>>> understandable.
>> +1 ... that sort of definition seems much more future-proof, too.
>> IMO it's not too late to change this.  (We probably don't want to change
>> the on-disk representation of the reloptions, but we could convert from
>> bits to words in bloptions().)
> There were no objections to this, but also no action.  Attached is a draft
> patch ... any complaints?

One thing from the commit-message:

"On-disk, we can still store it in words, so as to not break on-disk
compatibility with beta1."

Hasn't that ship already sailed?

from beta1 to HEAD:

The database cluster was initialized with CATALOG_VERSION_NO
201605051, but the server was compiled with CATALOG_VERSION_NO

Or is the concern about intra-version pg_upgrade rather than direct
on-disk compatibility?



Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Tom Lane
Jeff Janes <> writes:
> One thing from the commit-message:
> "On-disk, we can still store it in words, so as to not break on-disk
> compatibility with beta1."

> Hasn't that ship already sailed?


> Or is the concern about intra-version pg_upgrade rather than direct
> on-disk compatibility?

This.  You can pg_upgrade across a catversion bump, but not across
changes in user table or index contents.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Michael Paquier
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 11:25 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Michael Paquier <> writes:
>> Actually, the docs could be more polished.
> I think the docs could stand to be rewritten from scratch ;-).  But
> upthread there was an offer to work on them if we made the code behavior
> saner.  I've done the latter part, I don't want to do the former.

I have finally given a shot at improving the docs with the attached.
Comments are welcome.


Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

"David G. Johnston"
On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Michael Paquier <> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 11:25 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Michael Paquier <> writes:
>> Actually, the docs could be more polished.
> I think the docs could stand to be rewritten from scratch ;-).  But
> upthread there was an offer to work on them if we made the code behavior
> saner.  I've done the latter part, I don't want to do the former.

I have finally given a shot at improving the docs with the attached.
Comments are welcome.

​Looks good.  Thanks!​

​Some minor word-smithing​ related stuff and one definitional concern:

​"of all indexed attributes and so it can report false positives" -> of all indexed attributes and as such is prone to reporting false positives;

​"in the set, however" -> "in the set although"
​"one only needs a single bloom index (default 80, maximum 4096)" -> ​the default seems like it would be better placed in the first paragraph of the intro where "whose size in calculated in bits" is mentioned; or better yet dropped altogether since the parameters section covers the defaults.

*** "to the number of the column for" - the examples imply that each parameter refers to columns by name, not number.

"a bloom index  representing first the advantage to be more" - this intro to the example needs some work.  maybe: "Here is a more complete example of index definition and usage, as well as a comparison with the equivalent btree index.  The bloom index is considerably smaller as well as performs better than the btree index.

---As an aside, is a multi-column index really a fair comparison here?

---Leaving a sequential scan explain analyze in place should be considered.

​"The Bloom opclass interface" -> The Bloom opclass interface requires a hash function for the indexing datatype and an equality operator for searching.  The example...(drop the simple conclusion the word the equality operator part better).

​"are implemented with the module" - are supplied by this module. (side question, for 10.0 how about we call these extensions instead of modules?)

David J.

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

"David G. Johnston"
On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Michael Paquier <> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 11:25 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Michael Paquier <> writes:
>> Actually, the docs could be more polished.
> I think the docs could stand to be rewritten from scratch ;-).  But
> upthread there was an offer to work on them if we made the code behavior
> saner.  I've done the latter part, I don't want to do the former.

I have finally given a shot at improving the docs with the attached.
Comments are welcome.

​It would be nice to give guidance on selecting a bit size for columns and a signature length​.  Yes, Wikipedia covers the topic but to get the reader started some discussion of the relevant trade-offs when using larger numbers than the default would be nice.  I don't suspect using smaller the default values is apt to be worthwhile...

David J.

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Tom Lane
"David G. Johnston" <> writes:
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Michael Paquier <>
> wrote:
>> I have finally given a shot at improving the docs with the attached.
>> Comments are welcome.

> [ assorted comments ]

I adopted most of David's suggestions, whacked it around a bit further
myself, and committed.  See what you think.

> ​It would be nice to give guidance on selecting a bit size for columns and
> a signature length​.  Yes, Wikipedia covers the topic but to get the reader
> started some discussion of the relevant trade-offs when using larger
> numbers than the default would be nice.  I don't suspect using smaller the
> default values is apt to be worthwhile...

Agreed, but I didn't want to write such text myself.  There's room for
further improvement here.  I did add a note in the main example about
what happens with a non-default signature length, but that hardly
constitutes guidance.

BTW, it seemed to me while generating the example that the planner's
costing for bloom index searches was unduly pessimistic; maybe there's
work to do there?
        regards, tom lane

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

"David G. Johnston"
On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
"David G. Johnston" <> writes:
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Michael Paquier <>
> wrote:
>> I have finally given a shot at improving the docs with the attached.
>> Comments are welcome.

> [ assorted comments ]

I adopted most of David's suggestions, whacked it around a bit further
myself, and committed.  See what you think.

Looks good though I'm waiting for the website to update.

Do I understand the process correctly?  The current 9.6 docs reflect what was committed and branched as beta1.  Ongoing work is done against master (devel docs).  When beta2 is released it is branched from the current master; not beta1.  At that point the current devel docs will become the new 9.6 docs.


​David J.

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Tom Lane
"David G. Johnston" <> writes:
> Do I understand the process correctly?  The current 9.6 docs reflect what
> was committed and branched as beta1.  Ongoing work is done against master
> (devel docs).  When beta2 is released it is branched from the current
> master; not beta1.  At that point the current devel docs will become the
> new 9.6 docs.

There is no beta1 branch.  9.6 is still the master branch, and beta2 will
be stamped on master, as will at least the next couple of betas.  We will
branch off REL9_6_STABLE whenever we're ready to open the tree for
9.7^H^H^H10 development, which likely won't be till September.  (The
point here is to try to keep people focused on stabilizing 9.6 for
awhile longer yet.  Last year we opened new development in the summer,
and that had a detrimental effect on getting 9.5 out the door.)
        regards, tom lane

Re: [BUGS] BUG #14155: bloom index error with unlogged table

Michael Paquier
On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 1:23 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> "David G. Johnston" <> writes:
>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Michael Paquier <>
>> wrote:
>>> I have finally given a shot at improving the docs with the attached.
>>> Comments are welcome.
>> [ assorted comments ]
> I adopted most of David's suggestions, whacked it around a bit further
> myself, and committed.  See what you think.

That looks better, thanks.

>> It would be nice to give guidance on selecting a bit size for columns and
>> a signature length.  Yes, Wikipedia covers the topic but to get the reader
>> started some discussion of the relevant trade-offs when using larger
>> numbers than the default would be nice.  I don't suspect using smaller the
>> default values is apt to be worthwhile...
> Agreed, but I didn't want to write such text myself.  There's room for
> further improvement here.  I did add a note in the main example about
> what happens with a non-default signature length, but that hardly
> constitutes guidance.
> BTW, it seemed to me while generating the example that the planner's
> costing for bloom index searches was unduly pessimistic; maybe there's
> work to do there?

I wanted them to do so to prove that index rechecks are necessary as
false positives can be returned when scanning the index. We could add
an extra example with an index that has a longer signature size... I
am not sure that's worth the complication though.

I am marking this item as closed, in my view things are looking far better.