Thread: explain analyze does not report actual rows correctly?

explain analyze does not report actual rows correctly?

chang chao
Hi all

The test data and sql is in the following mail.

After I disabled hash join and nested-loop join(set enable_hashjoin = off; set enable_nestloop = off;) and execute the
queryagain,the query plan changes to the following one . 

"Merge Join  (cost=3179.24..3183.55 rows=200 width=1044) (actual time=2.409..8.969 rows=9999 loops=1)"
"  Merge Cond: (als.node_no = l1.level1_no)"
"  ->  Merge Join  (cost=3168.59..3249.95 rows=200 width=528) (actual time=2.362..5.933 rows=9999 loops=1)"
"        Merge Cond: (als.node_no = l2.parent_no)"
"        ->  Index Scan using all_level_status_pkey on all_level_status als  (cost=0.29..109.10 rows=200 width=4)
(actualtime=0.023..0.152 rows=200 loops=1)" 
"              Index Cond: (level = 1)"
"              Filter: (status = 0)"
"        ->  Materialize  (cost=3168.30..3218.30 rows=9999 width=524) (actual time=2.334..3.888 rows=9999 loops=1)"
"              ->  Sort  (cost=3168.30..3193.30 rows=9999 width=524) (actual time=2.330..2.778 rows=9999 loops=1)"
"                    Sort Key: l2.parent_no"
"                    Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 853kB"
"                    ->  Seq Scan on level2_table l2  (cost=0.00..144.99 rows=9999 width=524) (actual time=0.007..0.924
"  ->  Sort  (cost=10.64..11.14 rows=200 width=520) (actual time=0.045..0.561 rows=9950 loops=1)"
"        Sort Key: l1.level1_no"
"        Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 34kB"
"        ->  Seq Scan on level1_table l1  (cost=0.00..3.00 rows=200 width=520) (actual time=0.006..0.016 rows=200
"Planning time: 1.379 ms"
"Execution time: 9.422 ms"

The actual rows(rows=9950) part in the following line contained in the above query plan seems strange.
"  ->  Sort  (cost=10.64..11.14 rows=200 width=520) (actual time=0.045..0.561 rows=9950 loops=1)"
Shouldn't it be 200?


Re: explain analyze does not report actual rows correctly?

Tom Lane
chang chao <> writes:
> The actual rows(rows=9950) part in the following line contained in the above query plan seems strange.
> "  ->  Sort  (cost=10.64..11.14 rows=200 width=520) (actual time=0.045..0.561 rows=9950 loops=1)"
> Shouldn't it be 200?

No, that's probably correct, seeing that this node is the righthand child
of a mergejoin.  The discrepancy is from extra fetches due to the same row
being re-fetched multiple times thanks to mark/restore rescanning.  What
explain is reporting is the number of rows pulled from the node, not the
number of unique rows it processed.
        regards, tom lane