Thread: query in PostgreSQL

query in PostgreSQL

Rahul Majumdar/TVM/TCS
Hello Everyone,<br /><br /><span>I have a problem related to query in PostgreSQL.Some queries are not running.Please
helpme to find out a solution.</span><br /><br /><span>Thanks </span><br
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Re: query in PostgreSQL

Thomas Munro
On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Rahul Majumdar/TVM/TCS
<> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have a problem related to query in PostgreSQL.Some queries are not
> running.Please help me to find out a solution.


You've reached the Postgres hackers mailing list where Postgres
internals are discussed.  The best place to start might be
pgsql-general mailing list or the #postgresql IRC channel, where you
could explain what you're trying to do and post the errors you're
seeing etc and hopefully get some help.

Thomas Munro