Thread: commitfest app bug/feature

commitfest app bug/feature


Some comments/bug report about the commitfest web app which just bite 

When creating a patch with the commitfest app, if the thread does not 
exist the application seems to reject the creation, so you may resubmit 
because you know the thread is going to exist soon... Well, this is a bad 

Indeed the first submission, although it looked like it had failed, has 
really been created anyway, and the resubmission creates another entry. If 
you click again, you get a third. And so on.

Maybe the description should be unique at least per commitfest?

Then there is no way to remove a patch from the application. You end up 
marking them as "Rejected", which does not make much sense, see the bottom 
of the 2015-06 commitfest list...

Maybe a "Duplicate" status would be better, and the ability to actually 
remove a stupid entry would be even nicer, although maybe not desirable, 
ot sure. And/or some way to prevent duplicates based on the description...


Re: commitfest app bug/feature

Michael Paquier
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 4:17 AM, Fabien COELHO wrote:
> Then there is no way to remove a patch from the application. You end up
> marking them as "Rejected", which does not make much sense, see the bottom
> of the 2015-06 commitfest list...
> Maybe a "Duplicate" status would be better, and the ability to actually
> remove a stupid entry would be even nicer, although maybe not desirable, ot
> sure. And/or some way to prevent duplicates based on the description...

It is possible to remove patches from the set, but administrator
rights are necessary. If there are duplicated entries that you would
like to get removed, simply mention them here and I'll remove them. I
do some cleanup of duplicate entries from time to time though, you are
not the first one to get bitten by that.

Re: commitfest app bug/feature

Hello Michael,

> It is possible to remove patches from the set, but administrator rights 
> are necessary.

Good. Maybe this right could be granted to the person who as created the 
patch entry in the CF?

> If there are duplicated entries that you would like to get removed, 
> simply mention them here and I'll remove them. I do some cleanup of 
> duplicate entries from time to time though, you are not the first one to 
> get bitten by that.


Feel free to remove the stupid "Rejected" entries at the end of the 
2015-06 CF: there are currently 11 "pgbench allow '=' in \set" (mine) and 
2 "configure can't detect proper pthread flags -- fix".


Re: commitfest app bug/feature

Michael Paquier
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Fabien COELHO <> wrote:
> Hello Michael,
>> It is possible to remove patches from the set, but administrator rights
>> are necessary.
> Good. Maybe this right could be granted to the person who as created the
> patch entry in the CF?

Er, well... #blamemagnus ;)
I'm fine to do this cleanup btw.

>> If there are duplicated entries that you would like to get removed, simply
>> mention them here and I'll remove them. I do some cleanup of duplicate
>> entries from time to time though, you are not the first one to get bitten by
>> that.
> Sure.
> Feel free to remove the stupid "Rejected" entries at the end of the 2015-06
> CF: there are currently 11 "pgbench allow '=' in \set" (mine) and 2
> "configure can't detect proper pthread flags -- fix".


Re: commitfest app bug/feature

> I'm fine to do this cleanup btw.

ISTM that an additional "Duplicate" or "To remove" status could be a tag 
for admins to remove the entries?

>> Feel free to remove the stupid "Rejected" entries at the end of the 2015-06
>> CF: there are currently 11 "pgbench allow '=' in \set" (mine) and 2
>> "configure can't detect proper pthread flags -- fix".
> Done.



Re: commitfest app bug/feature

Michael Paquier
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Fabien COELHO <> wrote:
>> I'm fine to do this cleanup btw.
> ISTM that an additional "Duplicate" or "To remove" status could be a tag for
> admins to remove the entries?

This looks like an overkill to me. Entries with the same description
headline mean the same thing.

Re: commitfest app bug/feature

>> ISTM that an additional "Duplicate" or "To remove" status could be a tag for
>> admins to remove the entries?
> This looks like an overkill to me. Entries with the same description
> headline mean the same thing.


My point was to provide a mean to signal explicitely that an entry can be 
removed, as removing it is not an option for the lay man, and all other 
status do not correspond to reality (Why put Rejected or Returned with 
feedback, as it is not the case in?). Morover the description if different 
submitions might be slightly different.

ISTM that sending a mail to hacker to remove spurious entries in the CF 
app is a little overkill too.


Re: commitfest app bug/feature

Magnus Hagander
On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:17 PM, Fabien COELHO <> wrote:


Some comments/bug report about the commitfest web app which just bite me:-)

When creating a patch with the commitfest app, if the thread does not exist the application seems to reject the creation, so you may resubmit because you know the thread is going to exist soon... Well, this is a bad idea:-)

Indeed the first submission, although it looked like it had failed, has really been created anyway, and the resubmission creates another entry. If you click again, you get a third. And so on.

Clearly I'm very slow at some things, but at least I've just pushed a fix for this bug now. It validates the thread exists *before* it creates the entry now...
