Thread: gsoc knn spgist

gsoc knn spgist

Костя Кузнецов
<div>Helllo.</div><div> </div><div>I want to implement knn for spgist. I dont have question with knn, but have
questionswith implementation of interface.</div><div> </div><div>i modify pg_am.h (set amcanorderbyop  to true in
spgistindex).Also i modify pg_amop.h(add </div><div> </div><div>DATA(insert (    4015   600 600 15 o 517 4000 1970
));</div><div> </div><div>)</div><div> </div><div>explainSELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl ORDER BY p <->
'-2,50'</div><div> </div><div> Sort (cost=1219.31..1246.82 rows=11003 width=16)<br />   Sort Key: ((p <->
'(-2,50)'::point))<br/>   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl  (cost=0.15..480.70 r<br
/>ows=11003width=16)</div><div><span lang="en"><span>what</span> <span>am I doing
wrong</span><span>?</span></span></div><div><spanlang="en"><span>In a gist index we have :<br
/></span></span></div><div> </div><div><spanlang="en"><span>regression=# explain SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1
<->'-3,0';<br />                                 QUERY PLAN                                 <br
/>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/> Index Scan using gpointind on
point_tbl (cost=0.13..8.27 rows=7 width=16)<br />   Order By: (f1 <-> '(-3,0)'::point)<br /> Planning time: 0.166
ms<br/>(3 rows)<br /></span></span></div><div> </div><div><span lang="en"><span>Are there</span> <span>documents about
modificationaccess methods</span><span>?</span></span></div><div> </div><div><span
lang="en"><span>Thanks.</span></span></div><div><spanlang="en"><span>Constantine Kuznetsov</span></span></div> 

Re: gsoc knn spgist

Robert Haas
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Костя Кузнецов <> wrote:
> I want to implement knn for spgist. I dont have question with knn, but have
> questions with implementation of interface.
> i modify pg_am.h (set amcanorderbyop  to true in spgist index).Also i modify
> pg_amop.h(add
> DATA(insert (    4015   600 600 15 o 517 4000 1970 ));
> )
> explain SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl ORDER BY p <-> '-2,50'
>  Sort  (cost=1219.31..1246.82 rows=11003 width=16)
>    Sort Key: ((p <-> '(-2,50)'::point))
>    ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
> (cost=0.15..480.70 r
> ows=11003 width=16)
> what am I doing wrong?

I don't know.  I think there are a lot of possibilities based on the
information provided.  A simple explanation would be that the planner
considered the plan you want and found the other one cheaper, but the
real cause could well be something else.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company