Thread: Database/kernel community topic at Collaboration Summit 2014

Database/kernel community topic at Collaboration Summit 2014

Mel Gorman

Arrangements have been made to hold a meeting between database and kernel
developers at Collaboration Summit 2014 on March
27th 2014. This was organised after discussions on pain points encountered
by the PostgreSQL community. Originally the plan had been to just have a
topic for LSF/MM there was much more interest in the topic than anticipated
so the Collaboration Summit meeting will be much more open.

If there are developers attending Collaboration Summit that work in
the database or kernel communities, it would be great if you could come
along. Previous discussions were on the PostgreSQL list and that should be
expanded in case we accidentally build postgres-only features. The intent
is to identify the problems encountered by databases and where relevant,
test cases that can be used to demonstrate them if they exist.  While the
kernel community may be aware of some of the problems, they are not always
widely known or understood. There is a belief that some interfaces are fine
when in reality applications cannot use them properly. The ideal outcome
of the meeting would be concrete proposals on kernel features that could
be developed over the course of time to address any identified problem.

For reference, this is a summary of the discussion that took place when
the topic was proposed for LSF/MM.



On testing of modern kernels

Josh Berkus claims that most people are using Postgres with 2.6.19 and
consequently there may be poor awareness of recent kernel developments.
This is a disturbingly large window of opportunity for problems to have
been introduced.

Minimally, Postgres has concerns about IO-related stalls which may or may
not exist in current kernels. There were indications that large writes
starve reads. There have been variants of this style of bug in the past but
it's unclear what the exact shape of this problem is and if IO-less dirty
throttling affected it. It is possible that Postgres was burned in the past
by data being written back from reclaim context in low memory situations.
That would have looked like massive stalls with drops in IO throughput
but it was fixed in relatively recent kernels. Any data on historical
tests would be helpful. Alternatively, a pgbench-based reproduction test
could potentially be used by people in the kernel community that track
performance over time and have access to a suitable testing rig.

It was mentioned that Postgres has an tool called pg_test_fsync which
was mentioned in the context of testing different wal_sync_methods. Potentially
it could also be used for evaluating some kernel patches.

Gregory Smith highlighted the existence of a benchmark wrapper for pgbench
called pgbench-tools: . It can
track statistics of interest to Postgres as well as report in interesting
metrics such as transaction latency. He had a lot of information on testing
requirements and some very interesting tuning information and it's worth
reading the whole mail

Postgres bug reports and LKML

It is claimed that LKML does not welcome bug reports but it's less clear
what the basis of this claim is.  Is it because the reports are ignored? A
possible explanation is that they are simply getting lost in the LKML noise
and there would be better luck if the bug report was cc'd to a specific
subsystem list. A second possibility is the bug report is against an old
kernel and unless it is reproduced on a recent kernel the bug report will
be ignored. Finally it is possible that there is not enough data available
to debug the problem. The worst explanation is that to date the problem
has not been fixable but the details of this have been lost and are now
unknown. Is is possible that some of these bug reports can be refreshed
so at least there is a chance they get addressed?

Apparently there were changes to the reclaim algorithms that crippled
performance without any sysctls. The problem may be compounded by the
introduction of adaptive replacement cache in the shape of the thrash
detection patches currently being reviewed.  Postgres investigated the
use of ARC in the past and ultimately abandoned it. Details are in the
archives ( I
have not read then, just noting they exist for future reference.

Sysctls to control VM behaviour are not popular as such tuning parameters
are often used as an excuse to not properly fix the problem. Would it be
possible to describe a test case that shows 2.6.19 performing well and a
modern kernel failing? That would give the VM people a concrete basis to
work from to either fix the problem or identify exactly what sysctls are
required to make this work.

I am confident that any bug related to VM reclaim in this area has been lost.
At least, I recall no instances of it being discussed on linux-mm and it
has not featured on LSF/MM during the last years.

IO Scheduling

Kevin Grittner has stated that it is known that the DEADLINE and NOOP
schedulers perform better than any alternatives for most database loads.
It would be desirable to quantify this for some test case and see can the
default scheduler cope in some way.

The deadline scheduler makes sense to a large extent though. Postgres
is sensitive to large latencies due to IO write spikes. It is at least
plausible that deadline would give more deterministic behaviour for
parallel reads in the presence of large writes assuming there were not
ordering problems between the reads/writes and the underlying filesystem.

For reference, these IO spikes can be massive. If the shared buffer is
completely dirtied in a short space of time then it could be 20-25% of
RAM being dirtied and writeback required in typical configurations. There
have been cases where it was worked around by limiting the size of the
shared buffer to a small enough size so that it can be written back
quickly. There are other tuning options available such as altering when
dirty background writing starts within the kernel but that will not help if
the dirtying happens in a very short space of time. Dave Chinner described
the considerations as follows
There's no absolute rule here, but the threshold for backgroundwriteback needs to consider the amount of dirty data
beinggenerated,the rate at which it can be retired and the checkpoint period theapplication is configured with. i.e. it
needsto be slow enough tonot cause serious read IO perturbations, but still fast enough thatit avoids peaks at
synchronisationpoints. And most importantly, itneeds to be fast enought that it can complete writeback of all thedirty
datain a checkpoint before the next checkpoint is triggered.
In general, I find that threshold to be somewhere around 2-5sworth of data writeback - enough to keep a good amount of
writecombiningand the IO pipeline full as work is done, but no more.
e.g. if your workload results in writeback rates of 500MB/s,then I'd be setting the dirty limit somewhere around 1-2GB
asaninitial guess. It's basically a simple trade off bufferingspace for writeback latency. Some applications perform
wellwithincreased buffering space (e.g. 10-20s of writeback) while othersperform better with extremely low writeback
latency(e.g. 0.5-1s).

Some of this may have been addressed in recent changes with IO-less dirty
throttling. When considering stalls related to excessive IO it will be
important to check if the kernel was later than 3.2 and what the underlying
filesystem was.

Again, it really should be possible to demonstrate this with a test case,
one driven by pgbench maybe? Workload would generate a bunch of test data,
dirty a large percentage of it and try to sync. Metrics would be measuring
average read-only query latency when reading in parallel to the write,
average latencies from the underlying storage, IO queue lengths etc and
comparing default IO scheduler with deadline or noop.

NUMA Optimisations

The primary one that showed up was zone_reclaim_mode. Enabling that parameter
is a disaster for many workloads and apparently Postgres is one. It might
be time to revisit leaving that thing disabled by default and explicitly
requiring that NUMA-aware workloads that are correctly partitioned enable it.
Otherwise NUMA considerations are not that much of a concern right now.
Bruce Momjian highlighted this block entry that covered zone_reclaim

Direct IO, buffered IO, double buffering and wishlists

The general position of Postgres is that the kernel knows more about
storage geometries and IO scheduling that an application can or should
know. It would be preferred to have interfaces that allow Postgres to
give hints to the kernel about how and when data should be written back.
The alternative is exposing details of the underlying storage to userspace
so Postgres can implement a full IO scheduler using direct IO. It has
been asserted on the kernel side that the optimal IO size and alignment
is the most important detail should be all the details that are required
in the majority of cases. While some database vendors have this option,
the Postgres community do not have the resources to implement something
of this magnitude. They also have tried direct IO in the past in the areas
where it should have mattered and had mixed results.

I can understand Postgres preference for using the kernel to handle these
details for them. They are a cross-platform application and the kernel
should not be washing its hands of the problem and hiding behind direct
IO as a solution. Ted Ts'o summarises the issues as
The high order bit is what's the right thing to do when databaseprogrammers come to kernel engineers saying, we want to
do<FOO>and the performance sucks.  Do we say, "Use O_DIRECT, dummy", notwithstanding Linus's past comments on the
issue? Or do we havesome general design principles that we tell database engineers thatthey should do for better
performance,and then all developers forall of the file systems can then try to optimize for a set of newAPI's, or
recommendedways of using the existing API's?

In an effort to avoid depending on direct IO there were some proposals
and/or wishlist items. These are listed in order of likliehood to be
implemented and usefulness to Postgres.
  1. Hint to asynchronously queue writeback now in preparation for a     fsync in the near future. Postgres dirties a
largeamount of data and     asks the kernel to push it to disk over the next few minutes. Postgres     still is
requiredto fsync later but the fsync time should be     minimised. vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs is unreliable for
     One possibility would be an fadvise call that queues the data for     writeback by a flusher thread now and
  2. Hint that a page is a prime candidate for reclaim but only if there     is reclaim pressure. This avoids a problem
wherefadvise(DONTNEED)     discards a page only to have a read/write or WILLNEED hint immediately     read it back in
again.The requirements are similar to the volatile     range hinting but they do not use mmap() currently and would
needa     file-descriptor based interface. Robert Hass had some concerns with     the general concept and described
This is an interesting idea but it stinks of impracticality.Essentially when the last buffer pin on a page is dropped
we'dhaveto mark it as discardable, and then the next person wantingto pin it would have to check whether it's still
there. But thesystem call overhead of calling vrange() every time the last pinon a page was dropped would probably hose
Well, I guess it could be done lazily: make periodic sweeps throughshared_buffers, looking for pages that haven't been
touchedin awhile, and vrange() them.  That's quite a bit of new mechanism,but in theory it could work out to a win.
vrange()would haveto scale well to millions of separate ranges, though.  Will it?And a lot depends on whether the
kernelmakes the right decisionabout whether to chunk data from our vrange() vs. any other pageit could have reclaimed.
  3. Hint that a page should be dropped immediately when IO completes.     There is already something like this buried
inthe kernel internals     and sometimes called "immediate reclaim" which comes into play when     pages are bgin
invalidated.It should just be a case of investigating     if that is visible to userspace, if not why not and do it in
a    semi-sensible fashion.
  4. 8kB atomic write with OS support to avoid writing full page images     in the WAL. This is a feature that is
likelyto be delivered anyway     and one that Postgres is interested in.
  5. Only writeback some pages if explicitly synced or dirty limits     are violated. Jeff Janes states that he has
problemswith large     temporary files that generate IO spikes when the data starts hitting     the platter even though
thedata does not need to be preserved. Jim     Nasby agreed and commented that he "also frequently see this, and it
hasan even larger impact if pgsql_tmp is on the same filesystem as     WAL. Which *theoretically* shouldn't matter with
aBBU controller,     except that when the kernel suddenly +decides your *temporary*     data needs to hit the media
     One proposal that may address this is
Allow a process with an open fd to hint that pages managed by thisinode will have dirty-sticky pages. Pages will be
ignoredby dirtybackground writing unless there is an fsync call or dirty page limitsare hit. The hint is cleared when
noprocess has the file open.
  6. Only writeback pages if explicitly synced. Postgres has strict write     ordering requirements. In the words of
TomLane -- "As things currently     stand, we dirty the page in our internal buffers, and we don't write     it to the
kerneluntil we've written and fsync'd the WAL data that     needs to get to disk first". mmap() would avoid double
bufferingbut     it has no control about the write ordering which is a show-stopper.     As Andres Freund described;
Postgres' durability works by guaranteeing that our journalentries (called WAL := Write Ahead Log) are written & synced
todiskbefore the corresponding entries of tables and indexes reachthe disk. That also allows to group together many
random-writesintoa few contiguous writes fdatasync()ed at once. Only duringa checkpointing phase the big bulk of the
datais then (slowly,in the background) synced to disk. I don't see how that's doablewith holding all pages in mmap()ed
     There are also concerns there would be an absurd number of mappings.
     The problem with this sort of dirty pinning interface is that it     can deadlock the kernel if all dirty pages in
thesystem cannot be     written back by the kernel. James Bottomley stated
No, I'm sorry, that's never going to be possible.  No user spaceapplication has all the facts.    If we give you an
interfacetoforce unconditional holding of dirty pages in core you'll livelockthe system eventually because you made a
wrongdecision to holdtoo many dirty pages.
     However, it was very clearly stated that the writing ordering is     critical. If the kernel breaks the
requirementthen the database     can get trashed in the event of a power failure.
     This led to a discussion on write barriers which the kernel uses     internally but there are scaling concerns
bothwith the number of     constraints that would exist and the requirement that Postgres use     mapped buffers.
     There were few solid conclusions on this. It would need major     reworking on all sides and it would handing
controlof system safety     to userspace which is going to cause layering violations. This     whole idea may be a bust
butit is still worth recording. Greg Stark     outlined the motivation best as follows;
Ted T'so was concerned this would all be a massive layering violationand I have to admit that's a huge risk. It would
takesome cleverAPI engineering to come with a clean set of primitives to expressthe kind of ordering guarantees we need
withoutbeing too tied toPostgres's specific implementation. The reason I think it's moreinteresting though is that
Postgres'sjournalling and checkpointingarchitecture is pretty bog-standard CS stuff and there are hundredsor thousands
ofpieces of software out there that do pretty muchthe same work and trying to do it efficiently with fsync or
O_DIRECTislike working with both hands tied to your feet.
  7. Allow userspace process to insert data into the kernel page cache     without marking the page dirty. This would
allowthe application     to request that the OS use the application copy of data as page     cache if it does not have
acopy already. The difficulty here     is that the application has no way of knowing if something else     has altered
theunderlying file in the meantime via something like     direct IO. Granted, such activity has probably corrupted the
database    already but initial reactions are that this is not a safe interface     and there are coherency concerns.
     Dave Chinner asked "why, exactly, do you even need the kernel page     cache here?"  when Postgres already knows
howand when data should     be written back to disk. The answer boiled down to "To let kernel do     the job that it is
goodat, namely managing the write-back of dirty     buffers to disk and to manage (possible) read-ahead pages".
Postgres    has some ordering requirements but it does not want to be responsible     for all cache replacement and IO
scheduling.Hannu Krosing summarised     it best as
Again, as said above the linux file system is doing fine. What wewant is a few ways to interact with it to let it do
evenbetterwhen working with Postgres by telling it some stuff it otherwisewould have to second guess and by sometimes
givingit back somecache pages which were copied away for potential modifying butended up clean in the end.
And let the linux kernel decide if and how long to keep these pagesin its    cache using its superior knowledge of disk
subsystemandabout what else is going on in the system in general.
  8. Allow copy-on-write of page-cache pages to anonymous. This would limit     the double ram usage to some extent.
It'snot as simple as having a     MAP_PRIVATE mapping of a file-backed page because presumably they want     this data
ina shared buffer shared between Postgres processes. The     implementation details of something like this are hairy
becauseit's     mmap()-like but not mmap() as it does not have the same writeback     semantics due to the write
orderingrequirements Postgres has for     database integrity.
     Completely nuts and this was not mentioned on the list, but arguably     you could try implementing something like
thisas a character device     that allows MAP_SHARED with ioctls with ioctls controlling that file     and offset backs
pageswithin the mapping.  A new mapping would be     forced resident and read-only. A write would COW the page. It's a
  crazy way of doing something like this but avoids a lot of overhead.     Even considering the stupid solution might
makethe general solution     a bit more obvious.
     For reference, Tom Lane comprehensively     described the problems with mmap at
     There were some variants of how something like this could be achieved     but no finalised proposal at the time of
  9. Hint that a page in an anonymous buffer is a copy of a page cache      page and invalidate the page cache page on
COW.This limits the      amount of double buffering. It's in as a low priority item as it's      unclear if it's really
necessaryand also I suspect the implementation      would be very heavy because of the amount of information we'd have
   to track in the kernel.

It is important to note in general that Postgres has a problem with some
files being written back too aggressively and other files not written back
aggressively enough. Temp files for purposes such as sorting should have
writeback deferred as long as possible. Data file writes that must complete
before portions of the WAL can be discarded should begin writeback early
so the final fsync does not stall for too long.  As Dave Chinner says
IOWs, there are two very different IO and caching requirementsin play here and tuning the kernel for one actively
degradestheperformance of the other.

Robert Hass categorised the IO patterns as follows
- WAL files are written (and sometimes read) sequentially and  fsync'd very frequently and it's always good to write
thedata  out to disk as soon as possible
- Temp files are written and read sequentially and never fsync'd.  They should only be written to disk when memory
pressuredemands  it (but are a good candidate when that situation comes up)
- Data files are read and written randomly.  They are fsync'd at  checkpoint time; between checkpoints, it's best not
towrite  them sooner than necessary, but when the checkpoint arrives,  they all need to get out to the disk without
bringingthe system  to a standstill

No matter it was pointed out that fsync should never be able to screw the
system. Robert Hass again summaried it as follows
IMHO, the problem is simpler than that: no single process shouldbe allowed to completely screw over every other process
onthesystem.  When the checkpointer process starts calling fsync(), thesystem begins writing out the data that needs to
befsync()'d soaggressively that service times for I/O requests from other processgo through the roof.  It's difficult
forme to imagine that anyapplication on any I/O scheduler is ever happy with that behavior.We shouldn't need to
sprinkleof fsync() calls with special magicjuju sauce that says "hey, when you do this, could you try to avoidcausing
therest of the system to COMPLETELY GRIND TO A HALT?".That should be the *default* behavior, if not the *only*

It is important to keep this in mind although sometimes the ordering
requirements of the filesystem may make it impossible to achieve.

At LSF/MM last year there was a discussion on whether userspace should
hint that files are "hot" or "cold" so the underlying layers could decide
to relocate some data to faster storage. I tuned out a bit during the
discussion and did not track what happened with it since but I guess that
any developments of that sort would be of interest to the Postgres community.

Some of these wish lists still need polish but could potentially be
discussed further at LSF/MM with a wider audience as well as on the
lists. Then in a of unicorns and ponies it's a case of picking some of
these hinting wishlists, seeing what it takes to implement it in kernel
and testing it with a suitably patched version of postgres running a test
case driven by something (pgbench presumably).

Mel Gorman