Thread: WIP: Partial match using range key entries

WIP: Partial match using range key entries

Antonin Houska
While looking at the GIN's partial match logic, I got an idea to let the generic
index code do what opclass-specific comparePartial() functions do. It can be
achieved if range type is accepted as key entry.

In this patch I add ANYRANGEARRAY pseudotype (note that changes in
parse_coerce.c are rather ad hoc so far) and a set of cross-type operators like


The semantics is that the range array is contained in the array iff each range
element has a matching (non-range) element in the left array. For example:

postgres=# SELECT ARRAY[-2, 5, 0.1, 10]::numeric[] @> ARRAY['[-10,-1]',
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT ARRAY[-2, 5, 0.1, 10]::numeric[] @> ARRAY['[-10,-1]',
(1 row)

The other operators also correspond to those (ANYARRAY, ANYARRAY), except that
array elements are matched using

The patch just adds the matching logic to GIN. It does not remove the original
partial match because text search depends on it.

Subtopic: GIN and cross-type operators

So far all the in-core operators in the GIN's opfamilies have oprleft equal to
oprright. When I tried to implement the (ANYARRAY, ANYRANGEARRAY) operators I
had to do some changes in the core code:

1. While GIN_COMPARE_PROC and GIN_EXTRACTVALUE_PROC support functions depend on
pg_opclass(opckeytype) and pg_opclass(opcintype) respectively (and thus are
universial for the whole opclass), the other ones can be specific for
pg_amproc(amproclefttype, amprocrighttype). That's why I moved some code from
ginbeginscan() to ginrescan().

(I think it'd make sense to only store GIN_COMPARE_PROC and
GIN_EXTRACTVALUE_PROC once per opclass, but that would require changes in CREATE

2. To let the GIN code find the appropriate support functions for cross-type
operators, I had to ensure that scan key's sk_subtype contains OID of particular
type as opposed to that of the pseudotype.

Is there any misconception in this patch proposal?

// Antonin Houska (Tony)
