Thread: Re: [ADMIN] Problems with enums after pg_upgrade

Re: [ADMIN] Problems with enums after pg_upgrade

Bernhard Schrader
Hello again,<br /><br /> well, still everything is working.<br /><br /> What information do you need to get into this
issue?<br /><br /> Well, so far i can say, we dont use ALTER TYPE ADD VALUE. We use some more or less changed enum_add
andenum_del (Which are appended at the end) to be able to change enums within transactions.<br /><br /> And that this
happenedto the beta server and not to the staging server, might be because we sometimes have to drop the whole stuff of
staging,because of some failures we did, so old enum values will not be persistent in old indexes. <br /><br /> if you
needmore info, just ask. :)<br /><br /> regards Bernhard<br /><br /><font size="-1">SET check_function_bodies =
false;<br/> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION enum_add (enum_name character varying, enum_elem character varying) RETURNS
void<br/> AS<br /> $body$<br /> DECLARE<br />     _enum_typid INTEGER;<br />     version_int INTEGER;<br />    
_highest_enumsortorderREAL;<br /> BEGIN<br />     -- get enumtypid<br />     SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typtype='e'
ANDtypname=enum_name INTO _enum_typid;<br /><br />     SELECT INTO version_int setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name =
'server_version_num';<br/>     --postgres 9.2 or higher<br />     IF version_int > 90200 THEN<br />         SELECT
MAX(enumsortorder)FROM pg_enum WHERE enumtypid = _enum_typid INTO _highest_enumsortorder;<br />         -- check if
elemalready exists in enum<br />         IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_enum WHERE enumlabel = enum_elem AND enumtypid
=_enum_typid) THEN<br />             INSERT INTO pg_enum(enumtypid, enumlabel, enumsortorder) VALUES (<br />        
       _enum_typid,<br />                 enum_elem,<br />                 _highest_enumsortorder + 1<br />            
);<br/>         END IF;<br />     ELSE<br />         -- check if elem already exists in enum<br />         IF NOT
EXISTS(SELECT * FROM pg_enum WHERE enumlabel = enum_elem AND enumtypid = _enum_typid) THEN<br />             INSERT
INTOpg_enum(enumtypid, enumlabel) VALUES (<br />                 _enum_typid,<br />                 enum_elem<br />    
       );<br />         END IF;<br />     END IF;<br /> END;<br /> $body$<br />     LANGUAGE plpgsql;<br /> --<br /> --
Definitionfor function enum_del:<br /> --<br /> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION enum_del (enum_name character varying,
enum_elemcharacter varying) RETURNS void<br /> AS<br /> $body$<br /> DECLARE<br />     type_oid INTEGER;<br />     rec
RECORD;<br/>     sql VARCHAR;<br />     ret INTEGER;<br /> BEGIN<br /><br />     SELECT pg_type.oid<br />     FROM
pg_type<br/>     WHERE typtype = 'e' AND typname = enum_name<br />     INTO type_oid;<br /><br />     -- check if enum
exists<br/>     IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_enum WHERE enumtypid = type_oid) THEN<br />         RETURN;<br />    
ENDIF;<br /><br />     -- check if element in enum exists<br />     IF NOT FOUND THEN<br />         RAISE EXCEPTION
'Cannotfind a enum: %', enum_name;<br />     END IF;<br /><br />     -- Check column DEFAULT value references.<br />
   SELECT *<br />     FROM<br />         pg_attrdef<br />         JOIN pg_attribute ON attnum = adnum AND atttypid =
type_oid<br/>         JOIN pg_class ON pg_class.oid = attrelid<br />         JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid =
relnamespace<br/>     WHERE<br />         adsrc = quote_literal(enum_elem) || '::' || quote_ident(enum_name)<br />    
LIMIT1<br />     INTO rec;<br /><br />     IF FOUND THEN<br />         RAISE EXCEPTION<br />             'Cannot delete
theENUM element %.%: column %.%.% has DEFAULT value of ''%''',<br />             quote_ident(enum_name),
quote_ident(enum_elem),<br/>             quote_ident(rec.nspname), quote_ident(rec.relname),<br />            
rec.attname,quote_ident(enum_elem);<br />     END IF;<br /><br />     -- Check data references.<br />     FOR rec IN<br
/>        SELECT *<br />         FROM<br />             pg_attribute<br />             JOIN pg_class ON pg_class.oid =
attrelid<br/>             JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace<br />         WHERE<br />            
atttypid= type_oid<br />             AND relkind = 'r'<br />     LOOP<br />         sql :=<br />             'SELECT 1
FROMONLY '<br />             || quote_ident(rec.nspname) || '.'<br />             || quote_ident(rec.relname) || ' '<br
/>            || ' WHERE '<br />             || quote_ident(rec.attname) || ' = '<br />             ||
quote_literal(enum_elem)<br/>             || ' LIMIT 1';<br />         EXECUTE sql INTO ret;<br />         IF ret IS
NOTNULL THEN<br />             RAISE EXCEPTION<br />                 'Cannot delete the ENUM element %.%: column %.%.%
containsreferences',<br />                 quote_ident(enum_name), quote_ident(enum_elem),<br />                
quote_ident(rec.nspname),quote_ident(rec.relname),<br />                 rec.attname;<br />         END IF;<br />    
ENDLOOP;<br /><br />     -- OK. We may delete.<br />     DELETE FROM pg_enum WHERE enumtypid = type_oid AND enumlabel =
enum_elem;<br/> END;<br /> $body$<br />     LANGUAGE plpgsql;</font><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><pre
Bernhard Schrader
System Administration

InnoGames GmbH
Harburger Schloßstraße 28 (Channel 4) - 21079 Hamburg - Germany
Tel +49 40 7889335-53
Fax +49 40 7889335-22

Managing Directors: Hendrik Klindworth, Eike Klindworth, Michael Zillmer
VAT-ID: DE264068907 Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 108973

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Re: [ADMIN] Problems with enums after pg_upgrade

Andres Freund
On 2012-12-19 16:51:32 +0100, Bernhard Schrader wrote:
> Hello again,
> well, still everything is working.
> What information do you need to get into this issue?
> Well, so far i can say, we dont use ALTER TYPE ADD VALUE. We use some more
> or less changed enum_add and enum_del (Which are appended at the end) to be
> able to change enums within transactions.

That explains everything. You *CANNOT* do that. There are some pretty
fundamental reasons why you are not allowed to add enums in a
transaction. And even more reasons why deleting from enums isn't allowed
at all.


Andres Freund

--Andres Freund              Development, 24x7 Support, Training &

Re: [ADMIN] Problems with enums after pg_upgrade

Andrew Dunstan
On 12/19/2012 10:56 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
> On 2012-12-19 16:51:32 +0100, Bernhard Schrader wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> well, still everything is working.
>> What information do you need to get into this issue?
>> Well, so far i can say, we dont use ALTER TYPE ADD VALUE. We use some more
>> or less changed enum_add and enum_del (Which are appended at the end) to be
>> able to change enums within transactions.
> That explains everything. You *CANNOT* do that. There are some pretty
> fundamental reasons why you are not allowed to add enums in a
> transaction. And even more reasons why deleting from enums isn't allowed
> at all.

Yes, this is exactly what I referred to in my recent reply to Tom. This 
is a recipe for database corruption.

Hacking the catalog generally is something to be done only with the most 
extreme caution, IMNSHO.



Re: [ADMIN] Problems with enums after pg_upgrade

Tom Lane
Andres Freund <> writes:
> On 2012-12-19 16:51:32 +0100, Bernhard Schrader wrote:
>> Well, so far i can say, we dont use ALTER TYPE ADD VALUE. We use some more
>> or less changed enum_add and enum_del (Which are appended at the end) to be
>> able to change enums within transactions.

> That explains everything. You *CANNOT* do that.

Yeah.  So this was not pg_upgrade's fault at all: that code would have
created problems in 9.1 or later even without using pg_upgrade.

For the record, the reason you can't safely do this is exactly what we
saw here: it's possible for deleted/never-committed values of the type
to remain behind in upper levels of btree indexes.  Since we now need
to be able to consult pg_enum to know how to compare values of an enum
type, deleted values are uncomparable.

enum_add is all right as long as you are careful to commit its
transaction before inserting the new value anywhere.  enum_del is quite
unsafe unless you REINDEX all indexes on columns of the type after
making sure the value is gone from the tables.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [ADMIN] Problems with enums after pg_upgrade

Andrew Dunstan
On 12/19/2012 11:31 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> enum_add is all right as long as you are careful to commit its
> transaction before inserting the new value anywhere.

It's not really all right for post-9.0 versions. For example, this is wrong:

>     --postgres 9.2 or higher
>     IF version_int > 90200 THEN

It should really be "IF version_int >= 90100 THEN"

what is even worse is that this procedure doesn't take any care at all 
of the ordering rule for even numbered enum oids. We could have oid 
wraparound to an even numbered oid and it would break the rule.



Re: [ADMIN] Problems with enums after pg_upgrade

Tom Lane
Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> what is even worse is that this procedure doesn't take any care at all 
> of the ordering rule for even numbered enum oids.

Good point.  You really should use ALTER TYPE ADD VALUE, on versions
where that's available.
        regards, tom lane